Meed1 Photography Competition 2017

"Kill The Messenger", examining the truths of our global circumstance.

  • Deadline: 28 May 2017
  • Entry fee: $50 for submission of 5 jpgs. Payment must be in US dollars. Entry fees are non-refundable. Submission of artists’ statements and bio required.
  • Website:

Gallery19 announces a call for entries for our first annual juried competition, Gallery19 Meed1. Photographers at all experience levels are invited to submit work.  Artists selected as finalists will have their work exhibited (and available for purchase*) at Gallery19 for the month of August, 2017. ** As competition judge, JENNIFER MURRAY, Executive Director of Filter Photo, will review all entries, select finalists, and announce the winner at an opening reception at Gallery19, Chicago, in August of 2017.
THEME:  Kill the Messenger
Your work must examine the truths of our current global circumstance:  isolationism eclipsing universality, fomenting uncertainty and fear--a moment ripe for renewed human optimism. Test your mettle by staking your socio-political claim, and mining it to the fullest. Your task is to create a visual vocabulary which makes clear your engagement with the world around you. Be audacious in your messaging, allow your talent its fullest expression.
We are honored to have JENNIFER MURRAY preside over the 2017-18 Gallery19 Meed1 competition.  Murray is a Chicago-based artist, curator, and educator.  She is the Executive Director of Filter Photo, where she directs the planning of the annual Filter Photo Festival, and oversees programming at Filter Space.  In addition, Murray is a member of Filter’s Exhibition Review Panel, and was the juror for their annual Context 2016 competition.  Murray is a founding member of the curatorial collective, The Exhibition Project, which develops photography-related projects for museum exhibition.  Most recently, she was a juror for Photolucida’s Critical Mass 2016 Top 50, and a contributor to a Rule Breakers essay for Don't Take Pictures magazine.  Murray was awarded grants from the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and the Illinois Arts Council, in 2015, allowing her to maintain her own active photographic practice.  Murray was Director of Averill and Bernard Leviton A+D Gallery at Columbia College, Chicago, for eleven years, where she organized a broad range of exhibitions in art and design.  She is currently an instructor of photography at Loyola University, Chicago, and a frequent lecturer on photography-related subjects.  Murray earned her MFA in photography from the highly regarded Columbia College, Chicago.


The winner of Gallery19 Meed1 will receive a solo show at Gallery19 for the month of August, 2018.  The winner will also have a one-year contract with Gallery19, which includes exposure on the gallery’s website, ongoing multi-media, promotion, including social media, participation in gallery programming (openings, events, artist talks, etc.), and direct sales efforts.  In addition, Jennifer Murray will mentor the winner for a full year August 4 2017 through August 3rd 2018, by reviewing and evaluating work product, and assisting in development of a gallery-ready exhibition, all culminating in the inaugural Gallery19 Meed1 exhibition.


All photographers, amateurs and professionals who are over 18, are eligible to participate to the contest.

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

*1.) Commission: All sales of work from Gallery19 Meed1 will be transacted by Gallery19; Gallery19 will retain a 50% commission on all sales.
2.) Artists agree not to reproduce/sell images being exhibited in Gallery19 Meed1 within the state of Illinois for the duration of the exhibition (August 2017).
3.) Artist retains all rights to any photograph she/he submits, including ownership if applicable. If you image is selected for the juried competition exhibition, you grant Gallery19 nonexclusive right, in perpetuity, to: Use, in connection with the current annual photo competition exhibition, your name, city, state, and country of residence in Gallery19 promotions and publications. Use, in connection with the current annual photo competition exhibition, your image on partner and third party promotions and can also be used in connection with future annual photo competition exhibitions, as a condition of the permission, Gallery19 shall credit all photographs with the caption Person’s name.

