RPS Women in Photography Group ‘SELFIE’ Exhibition

An open call, free-to-enter online photo exhibition by the RPS Women i


Self-portraiture has been used as an artistic expression by artists since the first painters, long before social media. SELFIE, defined by Oxford Dictionaries as “a photograph that one has taken of oneself….”, is the latest, and more accessible, iteration of that art form. Both allow the photographer to share with us how they perceive themselves, and how they wish for us to see them.

With this exhibition, we are asking female and female-identifying photographers to step out from behind the lens in celebration and recognition of the talented women in our profession. You do not need to be a member of the RPS to participate.

The SELFIES: Women in Photography exhibition will run from 15 June to 31 July, 2022 from a virtual gallery, allowing an opportunity for a global audience to view.

All images from this show will be stored on the RPS Women in Photography website at the end of the online exhibition.


All the winning photos will be exposed on The SELFIES: Women in Photography exhibition.


Female and female-identifying photographers

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

All photographers retain full copyrights for their own work. All images from this show will be stored on the RPS Women in Photography website at the end of the online exhibition.

