Storm Photos of the Year

A storm photography contest BY storm photographers.


A storm photography contest BY storm photographers. The 2024 CONTEST IS NOW OPEN!!!

- Storm Photo of the Year - The single, best photo of 2023. All photos submitted to this category will be reviewed for the short list, narrowed down to 30 Selections that will be critiqued on video, then cut down to 10 Finalists, again critiqued on video and finally the winner will be announced. Submit as many images as you like!
- Storm Photographer of the Year - This award encompasses a body of work produced in 2023. Photographers will submit 10 images, captured on at least SEVEN different dates, to showcase the best of their portfolio for that year. Entries will be narrowed down to 12 Selections that will be critiqued on video, cut down to the 6 Finalists, again critiqued on video and finally the winner will be announced. Only one submission per photographer.
- Tornado Photo of the Year - The best tornado photo of 2023 with special guest judges Nick Drieschman from Extreme Tornado Tours and Pecos Hank. All photos submitted to this category will be reviewed for the short list, narrowed down to 30 Selections that will be critiqued on video, then cut down to 10 Finalists, again critiqued on video and finally the winner will be announced. Submit as many images as you like!


Prizes range from monetary awards of $700 and lower, plus sponsored products like camera bags, weather stations, etc.



Copyrights & Usage Rights:

We want our contest to be different. Most of the big, commercial contests out there make you sign your life away and have big terms of usage agreements that essentially give them the rights to use your image commercially for any means they want. We want Storm Photos of the Year to be a safe space for photographers to enter their work and know it will never be used for anything other than promotion of the artist and the contest.

