Luis Valtueña Photography Award 2016

Grant worth 6,000 euro


This is the twentieth consecutive year in which Médicos del Mundo (MdM) has held the LUIS VALTUEÑA INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN PHOTOGRAPHY AWARD. The competition is open to adult amateur and professional photographers of any nationality.

Theme: humanitarian action, international cooperation, social exclusion, human rights violations, armed conflicts, natural disasters, refugee and immigrant populations or socially excluded groups.


The winner will receive a project grant worth 6,000 euros to develop a photography project composed by at least 50 photos and a 30 minutes raw video related to the work of Médicos del Mundo, whether in Spain or in other countries where the organization is implementing humanitarian action or international cooperation programs. The winner together with Médicos del Mundo will define the objectives and the development of the project, taking into account common interests and the operative and security conditions related to possible destinations. The amount of the grant should cover each and every expense needed to develop that project. As soon as project’s terms would agree on, Médicos del Mundo will no ask for an economic justification of those expenses. The grant will be given in three parts: 50% after the judges’ decision, 25% when project starts and the remaining 25% when project finishes. The project will have to be finished before the 15th of December 2017.


The competition is open to adult amateur and professional photographers of any nationality.

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

The winner of the prize and other authors of selected projects –who have accepted competition rules– authorize Médicos del Mundo, but not exclusively, at a national and international level, to enforce its rights of public reproduction, distribution and communication of their projects, in the following terms: The right of reproduction –for the sole purpose of making billboards and inserts in press adverting this call– in Médicos del Mundo exhibitions, projects and campaigns; exhibition catalogue and pamphlet; as well as in MdM website, blog of the exhibition and social media (Flickr, Facebook and Twitter) and in organization campaigns and actions. The right of distribution, in order to spread inserts in newspapers, magazines, catalogs among the public and also to go with any articles or reports in different media, always citing the author of images. The right of public communication, in its forms of public exhibition and made available, in order to carry out exhibition as much from the winning and selected works as from the aforementioned billboards. In addition, the organization can enforce this latter right in order to allow the access to third parties to websites mentioned above, respectively. Photographs’ authors signed rights of reproduction, exploitation, distribution, intellectual property and image rights over to MdM. Authors expressly authorize MdM to sign these rights over to third parties, in order to raise funds for its aims. The non-exclusive license to exercise the rights of exploitation mentioned can be used for all countries of the world. The images used will always include the author’s name. In no case, photographs submitted will be returned to their authors. The participants are responsible for the enforcement of existing laws on intellectual property and the right to own image. Participants declare responsibly that promotion or reproduction of the work in any media determined by MdM, for the promotion of the prize or MdM’s projects and campaigns, will not damage or harm any rights of participants or third parties. MdM is obliged to respect the moral right of authors recognized by Article 14 of the Spanish Copyright Law. Médicos del Mundo reserves the right to make changes in the planned schedule as long as those changes contribute to a greater success of this competition. All participants in this competition accept the rules of it.


Documentary Environmental Photojournalism People