Wild City Photo Competition 2024

Harmony between Human and Nature


Since the 1960s, Singapore has been committed to greening efforts, incorporating natural elements into urban development. Today Singapore is recognized as one of the greenest cities in the world, truly A City in Nature. It is a global benchmark in urban greening. Parks, green spaces, and wildlife scattered throughout the city showcase the deep integration of nature and modern urban life. This bustling metropolis is renowned not only for its advanced technology and infrastructure but also for its unique environment where nature and humanity coexist, attracting global attention.

In order to further promote the concept of ‘Harmony between Human and Nature’, the Asian Art Association Singapore invites photography enthusiasts from all over the world to participate in the ‘Wild City Photography Competition’, which aims to capture the wilderness and nature of the city through the lens, and to showcase the beauty of nature in the midst of modern urban life. The competition aims to support the National Parks Board's Garden City Foundation's ‘Plant-A-Coral’ programme, which calls on the public to become more aware of urban nature through the art of photography. It will also explore how to preserve the natural wilderness in a highly urbanised environment, and the possibilities of co-existence between the city and nature.

The "Wild City Photo Competition" encourages photographers to capture natural landscapes and wildlife from various perspectives, showcasing the interactions between humans and nature. It seeks to explore how wilderness continues to thrive in modern cities. The winning entries will have the opportunity to be exhibited at the Singapore Botanic Gardens, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, allowing audiences from around the world to appreciate the beauty and power of urban wilderness while advocating for greater attention to nature conservation and urban ecological development.

In today's rapidly developing global and urbanized world, finding a balance with nature amid concrete jungles has become a critical issue. The "Wild City Photo Competition" provides a unique platform for global photography enthusiasts to tell the story of nature and urban integration through their lenses, presenting a vision of future green cities. Photography is not only a record of beauty but also a way to inspire people to reflect on the relationship between humans and nature.

We warmly invite photography enthusiasts worldwide to pick up their cameras and participate in this competition, using images to interpret the wilderness in the city and document the harmonious beauty between humans and nature. Let us explore the perfect balance between wilderness and city together, adding more green inspiration to urban life through art!


PLATINUM (1): S$99 prize money and Competition certificate
GOLD (Several): Competition certificate
SILVER (Several): Competition certificate
BRONZE (Several): Competition certificate
OUTSTANDING (Other all entrants): Competition certificate


Photographers, Nature lovers and Professionals from all over the world

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

Accepted photographs will be published in the online exhibition in the gallery's website, and printed in the exhibition catalogue, featured in a short YouTube video and used in promoting the exhibition and the gallery.

