Inge Morath Award 2018

$5,000 grant


The Magnum Foundation and the Inge Morath Estate are pleased to announce the 17th annual Inge Morath Award, a $5,000 grant given to a female photographer under the age of 30 to support the completion of a long-term documentary project. One Awardee and up to two finalists are selected by a jury composed of Magnum photographers, the Executive Director of the Magnum Foundation, and Inge Morath Estate.


$5,000 grant given to a female photographer under the age of 30 to support the completion of a long-term documentary project.


Photographers represented by Magnum Photos and their immediate relatives are not eligible.

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

IM Award recipient and finalists grant the Magnum Foundation a license to reproduce, display and distribute their submissions solely in connection with the administration and judging of the Inge Morath Award, including on the Magnum Foundation website and the Inge Morath Estate website.

IM Award recipient agree that any future publication, exhibition or display of the funded project shall credit the Inge Morath Estate and the Magnum Foundation.


Documentary Photojournalism People