18th International Photo contest of La Gacilly

Exhibition Winners at the Festival of La Gacilly - 310 000 visitors

  • Deadline: 8 April 2019
  • Entry fee: € 13 per participant for one section and 18 € for 2 section s. In this case you will receive a Cdroom with accepted images, the prize list and lists of acceptances. You will also receive the "special Gacilly 2019" of images Hunter / Nat'image € 10 per participant for one section and 15 € for 2 sections In this case you can only view the results, informations and photos accepted by going to the website of the club gacilly (No Cdroom or catalog) Payment by Paypal (or by check for France only)
  • Website: https://www.concours-photolagacilly.com/

Welcome to the 18th international Photo contest of La Gacilly.

Part of the 16th International photographic Festival of La Gacilly the 18th international competition of digital pictures is organised with the Photo Club of La Gacilly, partner of the festival.

Two sections:

Theme 1 -Color Free -SECTION A –only in COLOR (PID color)

Theme 2 –Nature -SECTION B -COLOR and MONOCHROME without human presence on pictures -not only Wild Life pictures -(ND).

Four (4) pictures by author and by section, and no limit to the number of competitors for photo club

Just one solution: you must send the photos using the online form, in Jpeg format, 1920 px in greatest horizontal size, 1080 maxi in vertical size, 2 Mo max,and in sRGB, with electronic filename as indicated on the web site of the photo club of La Gacilly

Fees: 2 possibilities

•13 €uros per entrant for one section, and 18 €uros for both sections You will receive a CD room with all accepted pictures and palmares + special print “Chasseur d’ Images “ with the best of and other informations about the Festival Photo of La Gacilly

•10 €uros per entrant for one section, and 15 €uros for both sections. You will be able to see the catalogue with palmares and acceptations on the website of “clubphotolagacilly.com” only. Neither the Cd-Rom nor the printed catalog are sent.


Medals of PSA, ISF, FIAP, GPU, IUP, FPFand special mentions, and several gifts from partners (see on our web site, results for 2018), principally books. Only one prize per author, but it is possible to get one prize and one or several mention(s).

This year again the photos of the winners will be exhibited at the International Festival of Gacilly. The festival celebrated its 15th anniversary last year, accompanied by a large audience, attracted by programming 2018. The festival which attracted over 310 000 visitors.


Prizes: medals of PSA, ISF, FIAP, GPU, IUP, FPFand special mentions, and several gifts from partners (see on our web site, results for 2018), principally books. Only one prize per author, but it is possible to get one prize and one or several mention(s).
This year again the photos of the winners will be exhibited at the International Festival of Gacilly. The festival celebrated its 15th anniversary last year, accompanied by a large audience, attracted by programming 2018. The festival which attracted over 310 000 visitors.


The competition is open to all

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

The Entrant certifies he is the sole owner of all the rights and elements of his pictures and allows the organisers to reproduce images without retribution for the promotion of the competition and the 16th photo Festival of La Gacilly, projections and gallery “amateurs". High definition photos will be asked.


Nature Open Theme