LensWork Community Book Project 2016 – Seeing in SIXES

Book publication


We’re launching a new book publication project unlike any we’ve ever seen. This book will feature the work of our readers - like you! perhaps you! - printed with the quality you’ve come to expect from LensWork Publishing. This promises to be an important and substantial survey of photography from the LensWork community, subscribers as well as non-subscribers.

All of us are on our own creative path, but we do share some things in common: recurring themes in our own work; fascination with some certain subject we photograph repeatedly; a “gathering” mentality that is the basis for image-making and keeping in our archives; the sense that our years of photography is a sort of personal diary of our creative life. All of this is the foundation for the completion of ever-so-many projects.

We’re excited to publish the best of your projects in book form, knowing they will be seen and preserved in book collections around the world.


Everyone who enters will receive a book whether or not your work is selected for publication. The book will be completed and printed in July 2016, and mailed in August 2016.


You do not need to be a LensWork subscriber to enter.

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

Unlike many other juried publications, you retain all copyrights to your images and written materials. LensWork is granted one-time only publication rights only.


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