13th International Photography Contest
- Deadline: 6 November 2017
- Entry fee: Free
- Website: https://ipc.orhanholding.com/

All photography lovers can participate in our international photo contest, which will be held according to rules and regulations of FIAP. Organization: "Orhan Holding 13th International Photo Contest" is organized by Orhan Holding, and it will also be run by Orhan Holding. Contest Categories and Sections: The contest will be in the digital category and have three sections.
- Digital: Monochrome (Open);
- Digital: Color (Open);
- Digital: Color or Monochrome (Experimental).
Theme: This year the photo contest has an open theme.
Conditions of Participation :
- For each section, a maximum of 4 (four) photos can be submitted.
- There is no participation fee.
- The contest is open to all professional and amateur photographers from anywhere in the world.
- The only exceptions is that selection committee members, contest secretariat officials, and first degree relatives of the PAFT (Photographic Arts Federation of Turkey) representative cannot participate in the contest.
- Participants must be the original copyright holder of the photo that they submit. By submitting their photos, they are considered to have affirmed their rights.
- The participants declare and affirm that they are the sole owner of the photo(s) that they submit, and that all permissions concerning to the photo are granted. If a prize winner is discovered to have violated these conditions, they are subject to the rule violation process.
- Participants that represent a photo as theirs when it is not owned by them, or act in any other way with the intention to deceive the selection committee are subject to the rule violation process.
- Participants who violate the rules are subject to the sanctions stated in Article 13 of "PAFT Contest Organization Standards Guideline" (http://www.tfsf.org.tr/en/download/contest_regulatory_standards.pdf). The prize is cancelled and the place is left empty. Prizes, titles and any other benefits of contest winners who are discovered to have acted in violation of their declarations and affirmations hereby are revoked. If a prize was given, the prize winner is required to return it. This cancellation does not give other prize winners or contestants any rights to claim the prize in question.
- Participants that were banned from the contest by PAFT due to the reasons explained above and whose ban is still in effect, and people on the FIAP red list, cannot participate in the contest.
- Checking the FIAP red list and PAFT banned list, and ensuring that those on the lists do not participate in the contest is the responsibility of the selection committee.
- Participants agree to their photos getting inspected if necessary according to FIAP rules and declarations by submitting their photos to a contest under the patronage of FIAP, regardless of whether they are a FIAP member or not. FIAP may use all the resources and techniques available to them to perform this inspection. The participants may be banned by FIAP and their names may be disclosed if they do not present the information asked of them, do not provide the original file of the photo taken by the camera, or do not cooperate with FIAP for the resolution of an issue, as they will be considered to be in violation of the rules. It is recommended that EXIF data of the submitted photos are kept intact in the case an investigation occurs.
- Orhan Holding may ask for the original file of the photos if deemed necessary.
- The result of the contest will be announced at Orhan Holding's http://ipc.orhanholding.com, www.orhanholding.com and with PAFT's http://www.tfsf.org.tr. also all participants will be notified by e-mail.
- PAFT cannot be held responsible for potential problems that may occur due to downloading, changing, deletion or categorization of the photos.
- For situations not listed in these specifications, PAFT Contest Organization Standards Guideline and Selection Committee and PAFT YK decisions will apply.
Publication rights and Copyright (Right of Use):
- Winning photos and photos selected for the exhibit will be stored in the Orhan Holding archive. As long as the owner is credited properly, the photos may be used for any and all promotion purposes, and the owners will not receive a payment for copyright.
- Photographers participating in the contest agree that winning photos and photos selected for the exhibit may be used by Orhan Holding in exhibits and catalogues.
- According to the rules of the contest, copy of works is allowed to enter printed or digital catalogs unless they are expressly prohibited by the author. In this respect, copyright rules must be obeyed. Under any circumstances, Orhan Holding does not allow the use of photographs for other purposes.
- All photos submitted by the participant must be taken by the participant. The participant is legally responsible for any copyright violation that may arise due to inclusion of somebody else's whole or partial image in the photo.
- It is assumed that people in the photos submitted to the contest have agreed to having their photo taken and having this photo sent to a contest, and this photo being published on the internet and/or printed publications. The participant is responsible from any disputes as a result of from the aforementioned uses of the submitted photo.
- Participants that submit a photo declare and affirm that they have gotten all the necessary permissions regarding the photo and that they will be held responsible for any conflicts that may arise due to an issue concerning permissions. Orhan Holding shall not be liable regarding any disputes because of the aforementioned issues.
- In the case that prize winners do not attend the award ceremony, their prizes will be sent to their home address. Orhan Holding cannot be held responsible for damages to the prize during shipping.
- Following the contest, a digital album will be prepared that contains the winning photos and the photos selected for the exhibit, and this album will be ready for download beginning December 2017 from the website http://ipc.orhanholding.com, www.orhanholding.com.
- Winning photos and the photos selected for the exhibit will be published on the website http://ipc.orhanholding.com, www.orhanholding.com, and will be displayed in places to be determined. Moreover, the photos that receive a prize, honorable mention, or special awards will be published on the website http://www.tfsf.org.tr and PAFT's social media accounts (Facebook, instagram, twitter) as well as being featured in the PAFT publication Almanak 2017 on the pages reserved for our establishment.
- Photos that do not receive awards and exhibits during the contest will be deleted 90 (ninety) days from the date of the Result Announcement Date.
- The photos will be presented to jury in a fully darkened saloon with a 3840 pixels x 2160 pixels resolution picture projector on a screen size of at least 1, up to 2.5 meters diagonal, or on a 42/55 inch LCD monitor with ultra HD 4K 3840 pixels by 2160 pixels resolution.
- In matters not mentioned in the specification or in cases that can not be understood, the decisions of the Organizing Committee and the PAFT DB and the PAFT Competition Regulation Standards Directive shall be valid.
- The participants that register on the website http://ipc.orhanholding.com and upload a photo have agreed to the these rules. This specification enters into force by sending the contest photographs of the contestant. With participation, competitors will be accepted as they have read and accepted the provisions of this specification. Contestants are not entitled to appeal the provisions of this specification.
FIAP Gold, Silver, Bronze Medals,
FIAP Honorable Mention plaques (4),
Orhan Holding Special Award plaque,
Exhibit (a maximum of 11 photos may be selected for each category).
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
- Winning photos and photos selected for the exhibit will be stored in the Orhan Holding archive. As long as the owner is credited properly, the photos may be used for any and all promotion purposes, and the owners will not receive a payment for copyright.
- Photographers participating in the contest agree that winning photos and photos selected for the exhibit may be used by Orhan Holding in exhibits and catalogues.
- According to the rules of the contest, copy of works is allowed to enter printed or digital catalogs unless they are expressly prohibited by the author. In this respect, copyright rules must be obeyed. Under any circumstances, Orhan Holding does not allow the use of photographs for other purposes.
- All photos submitted by the participant must be taken by the participant. The participant is legally responsible for any copyright violation that may arise due to inclusion of somebody else's whole or partial image in the photo.
- It is assumed that people in the photos submitted to the contest have agreed to having their photo taken and having this photo sent to a contest, and this photo being published on the internet and/or printed publications. The participant is responsible from any disputes as a result of from the aforementioned uses of the submitted photo.
- Participants that submit a photo declare and affirm that they have gotten all the necessary permissions regarding the photo and that they will be held responsible for any conflicts that may arise due to an issue concerning permissions. Orhan Holding shall not be liable regarding any disputes because of the aforementioned issues.
- In the case that prize winners do not attend the award ceremony, their prizes will be sent to their home address. Orhan Holding cannot be held responsible for damages to the prize during shipping.
- Following the contest, a digital album will be prepared that contains the winning photos and the photos selected for the exhibit, and this album will be ready for download beginning December 2017 from the website http://ipc.orhanholding.com, www.orhanholding.com.
- Winning photos and the photos selected for the exhibit will be published on the website http://ipc.orhanholding.com, www.orhanholding.com, and will be displayed in places to be determined. Moreover, the photos that receive a prize, honorable mention, or special awards will be published on the website http://www.tfsf.org.tr and PAFT's social media accounts (Facebook, instagram, twitter) as well as being featured in the PAFT publication Almanak 2017 on the pages reserved for our establishment.
- Photos that do not receive awards and exhibits during the contest will be deleted 90 (ninety) days from the date of the Result Announcement Date.
- The photos will be presented to jury in a fully darkened saloon with a 3840 pixels x 2160 pixels resolution picture projector on a screen size of at least 1, up to 2.5 meters diagonal, or on a 42/55 inch LCD monitor with ultra HD 4K 3840 pixels by 2160 pixels resolution.
- In matters not mentioned in the specification or in cases that can not be understood, the decisions of the Organizing Committee and the PAFT DB and the PAFT Competition Regulation Standards Directive shall be valid.
- The participants that register on the website http://ipc.orhanholding.com and upload a photo have agreed to the these rules. This specification enters into force by sending the contest photographs of the contestant. With participation, competitors will be accepted as they have read and accepted the provisions of this specification. Contestants are not entitled to appeal the provisions of this specification.