Over €10,000 of prize money and material !
- Deadline: 1 December 2015
- Entry fee: €2 / photo (max 10 photos)
- Website: http://www.festival-oiseau-nature.com/en/concours-photo/

Since 1991, the Bay of Somme, internationally recognized as a major spot on the migratory routes, celebrates the return of spring and birds with the Bird and Nature Festival. Every year, the Bird and Nature Festival launches its 2 photo competitions: the International Wildbird Photo Competition and the Young Photographers Competition. They will result in an exhibition during the event.
This photo competition is open to everybody, amateur and professional photographers, aged 18 or over, of whatever nationality.
The 2016 categories are:
Bird portrait
Bird in landscape
Artistic vision of bird
Angry birds
Birds of prey
You must register and submit your pictures on the website. Registration fees: €2 / photo (max 10 photos)
This competition aims at using photography as educative and visual aids, to broaden knowledge of birds, thus encouraging commitment in their preservation.
A Grand Prix to the overall winner awarded with a sum of €1,500.
A 1st Prize in each category awarded with a sum of €800.
A Public Prize awarded to the picture which has totalized the more votes from the visitors of the exhibition, endowed by the Festival’s partners.
The Jury reserves the right to change the prize list depending on the quality of the works in competition, and to assign additional «Special Distinctions»
This photo competition is open to everybody, amateur and professional photographers, aged 18 or over, of whatever nationality.
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
By entering, the photographer declares being the sole author of the submitted image and fully agrees to the competition rules.
The author of a selected or a winning photograph grants to the Bird and Nature Festival, the right to reproduce and publish his/her images to promote the Photo Competition and/or the Festival.