2018 Photoshare Photo Contest

Recognizing the Best in Global Health and Development Photography


The Knowledge for Health (K4Health) Project is pleased to present the 2018 Annual Photoshare Photo Contest, which recognizes amateur and professional photographers who contribute photos for nonprofit and educational use.

The contest has a top prize of US$1,000; the deadline for entries is June 5th, 2018. Enter submissions through Photoshare's online photo submission form.

The Annual Photoshare Photo Contest has become an international standard for recognizing photographers who contribute their work to freely-available editorial collections like Photoshare, which houses over 30,000 global health and development images.

This year, Photoshare has continued its partnership with Girls' Globe to sponsor a Sexual and Reproductive Health category. Winners in this featured category will be recognized with a social-media-powered prize, the Photoshare People’s Choice Award. In addition, Photoshare continues its long- standing partnership with HIFA (Healthcare Information For All) on the Healthcare Providers category, which focuses on the critical role of health care information and health workers and is recognized with the HIFA Photo Award.

The 2018 Annual Photoshare Photo Contest is supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through K4Health, a USAID-funded project led by the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) in partnership with FHI 360, IntraHealth International and Management Sciences for Health (MSH). Girls’ Globe and HIFA provide additional contest support.

For more information about the contest, visit the: 2018 Annual Photoshare Photo Contest Announcement.
Prizes and Awards
Photoshare encourages those who are interested in our mission to participate in the contest. The contest prizes provide a great incentive for those who would like to share their photos but have trouble finding the time. The contest awards cash prizes to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. Participants submitting entries to the featured Sexual and Reproductive Health category are also eligible for the Photoshare People’s Choice Award, presented by Girls’ Globe. Entries in the Healthcare Providers category are also eligible for an additional cash prize, the HIFA-sponsored Photography Award.

Contest Categories
This year’s contest features 11 categories and two awards covering a broad range of global public health and development topics:
• Sexual and Reproductive Health
(Presented by: Girls’ Globe with the Photoshare People’s Choice Award)
• Healthcare Providers
(Sponsored Category: HIFA Photography Award)
• Family Planning • HIV/AIDS
• Malaria
• Environment
• Agriculture and Economic Development
• Democracy and Governance
• Humanitarian and Disaster Relief
• mHealth and Communications Technology
• Global Health and Human Interest (open subject)

About Photoshare
Developed exclusively for nonprofit and educational use, Photoshare is a free editorial collection of more than 30,000 captioned global health and development photos. Photoshare is maintained by the Knowledge for Health Project with support from USAID and is led by the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs. Learn more at www.photoshare.org.
About HIFA —HIFA (Healthcare Information For All) is a growing professional global health network working in collaboration with the World Health Organization and supported by more than 260 health and development organizations worldwide. HIFA has more than 15,000 health workers, librarians, publishers, researchers and policymakers, committed to accelerate progress towards the HIFA Vision: a world where every person has access to the health care information they need to protect their own health and the health of others. One third of members are based in Africa, one third in Europe, and one third in the rest of the world. HIFA members represent more than 2500 organizations across 175 countries worldwide and interact on five global email discussion forums (HIFA Global Forums) in three languages (English, French, Portuguese). To join (free), please go to www.hifa.org and click on Join.
About Girls’ Globe—Girls’ Globe is an innovative, women-led online magazine and a global network of individuals and organizations focused on the rights and health of women and girls. With expertise in the area of communications and advocacy, our network spans over twenty countries with unique global reach and diversity. Learn more: here: https://girlsglobe.org
Follow Girls' Globe on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.


Photoshare encourages those who are interested in our mission to participate in the contest. The contest prizes provide a great incentive for those who would like to share their photos but have trouble finding the time.

The contest awards cash prizes to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. Participants submitting entries to the featured Sexual and Reproductive Health category are also eligible for the Photoshare People’s Choice Award, presented by Girls’ Globe. Entries in the Healthcare Providers category are also eligible for an additional cash prize, the HIFA-sponsored Photography Award.

Best of Show (see previous Photoshare contest winners)

1st place -selected from all contest submissions

· $1000 cash prize

2nd place -selected from all contest submissions

· $500 cash prize

3rd place -selected from all contest submissions

· $250 cash prize

People’s Choice Photo Award | Sexual and Reproductive Health Category –presented by Girls' Globe and selected by social media users

$100 cash prize award –Photoshare sponsored

HIFA Photography Award | Healthcare Providers Category -selected by the HIFA Steering Committee from only the Healthcare Providers Category

$250 cash prize award –HIFA sponsored


open to amateurs and professionals

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

Deadline for Entries: June 5th, 2018. Entries are accepted through Photoshare's Upload Photos submission form. There is no limit to the number of photos a participant can submit. The contest is free to enter.

•All entries must be received by June 5th, 2018 to qualify for consideration. Entries must be submitted using Photoshare's Upload Photos submission form on the Photoshare website.

•Any individual or organization, with the exception of contest judges, is welcome to participate (including both amateur and professional photographers).

•At a minimum, digital images must be approximately 1800x1400 pixels. Photos below the minimum resolution, collages, digitally altered photos, photos without completed captions, and photos previously contributed to Photoshare are not eligible for consideration.

•Photos will be judged on the basis of content (relevance to category) and quality (e.g. lighting, composition, focus) by an independent panel of judges for cash prizes.

•Entries that violate copyright or the laws of the country in which they were taken are not acceptable.

•By entering the contest, the Participant grants to The Johns Hopkins University, on behalf of Photoshare at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Communication Programs (CCP), a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free license to use such photographs in its Photoshare database, and grants all such other rights, including the right to sublicense, the right to copy, distribute, publicly display or perform, and the right to create derivative works, as may be necessary to meet the requirements of the Photoshare database, and to fully realize and carry out the purposes thereof, without requiring The Johns Hopkins University to notify the Participant, seek the Participant's permission, or owe any form of compensation to the Participant. This agreement will apply to all photographs and other submissions supplied to CCP by the Participant and shall remain in full force and effect until cancelled in writing by either party or superseded by a subsequent agreement. The Participant understands that these images will provide useful information related to people, their living conditions, and their health, and that requests to use the photos will be carefully screened for appropriate and respectful objectives.

Read Contest Mission


Multi-categories Documentary Culture Landscape Environmental Photojournalism Urban People Nature Travel Street