2021 BRMAA Photography National Juried Show
2021 Photography National Juried Show
- Deadline: 10 April 2021
- Entry fee: The entry fee for each image is $10. There is no limit to the number of entries per photographer. All images of one photographer may be submitted on one CD or USB flash drive and all entries may be included in one envelope. Each image must have its own entry form.
- Website: http://www.blueridgearts.net

You are invited to enter the Blue Ridge Mountains Arts Association (BRMAA) 2021 Photography National Juried Show. The 2021 BRMAA Photography National Juried Show is open to all photographers, both amateur and professional, and all original photographic media, including film and digital images. Cash prizes totaling $3,000, including $750 for Best of Show, will be awarded.
This national show will proudly be on display in the Richard Low Evans Gallery of the Art Center, home to the Blue Ridge Mountains Arts Association and located at the historic courthouse in Blue Ridge, Georgia from July 24 through August 28, 2021.
Best of Show - $750 (not eligible for another recognition)
1st Place in Nature - $400
1st Place in Fine Art - $400
1st Place in Digital Art - $400
2nd Place in Nature - $250
2nd Place in Fine Art - $250
2nd Place in Digital Art - $250
3rd Place in Nature - $100
3rd Place in Fine Art - $100
3rd Place in Digital Art - $100
3 Honorable Mention – Ribbon Awarded
• Entries must be designated as Nature, Fine Art or Digital Art on the entry form. The Nature category includes, but is not limited to: wildlife, landscapes, waterscapes, plant materials and abstracts in nature. Work submitted in the Nature category must have no elements of mankind (which include but are not limited to buildings, fences, roads, and signs) and cannot be subject composites. Stitched panoramas and focus stacking will be accepted. Only images that have not been changed beyond basic processing-- such as color, exposure, saturation and contrast adjustment --will be accepted. Spot removal and cropping is also allowed. o The Fine Art category includes, but is not limited to cityscapes, landscapes (including structures), portraits, and floral or plant life. Focus stacking, and stitched panoramas are acceptable in this category. Subject composites will not be accepted. Only images that have not been changed beyond basic processing-- such as color, exposure, saturation and contrast adjustment --will be accepted. Spot removal and cropping is also allowed. o The Digital Art category includes abstract subject and images originally created with the camera and is altered in post processing including subject matter that is identifiable or not easily identifiable with post processing. Combined multiple exposures for HDR, art techniques, focus stacking, and stitched panoramas are allowed in this category. • Digital images of the work to be submitted should be in the form of JPEG files on CD or USB flash drive. Images should be approximately 1000 pixels on the longest side and print quality (320ppi or better). Raw files may be requested by the jurors. All images must have metadata intact or will be disqualified. Notes about the image and/or its processing may be included in 25 words or less with the entry form (see last page of pdf). o In the case of images captured on film, photographer must provide the pertinent metadata in the ‘processing notes’ section of the entry form. This would include notes on any post-processing that may have occurred, as well as the capture date, camera make and model, lens model, shutter speed, ISO and aperture combination used. Please mark the front of your entry as a ‘film’ entry, which will alert our forensics team to review the processing notes. • All image files must be entitled with photographer's last name, first initial and the entry's title (Smith, J. Picture of a Horse). The entry’s title must match the title and photographers name that appears on the entry form. • All entries must be an original photograph taken by the submitting photographer on or after April 1, 2018. No submissions of previous or currently pending submissions for any juried show in the Art Center will be accepted. • Submitted images will be viewed by jurors who will select the photographs accepted for the Show. The accepted entries will be judged on technical and artistic merits as determined by the judge, who will choose the prize winners. • The copyright of submitted images remains with the photographer. By signing the entry form, the photographer agrees to allow BRMAA to publish the image on websites, social media and printed materials and to use the image in promotions for this and future contests without compensation. • Complete the official entry form for each image and make a copy for your records. Sign the form and mail or hand-deliver to the address below. Be sure to include the CD or USB flash drive, which will not be returned.
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
Neither the Blue Ridge Mountains Arts Association, their successors and/or assigns, nor their representatives will be held responsible for lost or damaged CDs or photographs. All reasonable precautions will be taken to ensure protection of submitted work upon receipt. No liability can be assumed by BRMAA during the Show or storage for damage incurred or loss of work while in transit or at the show. Artists are advised to arrange their own shipping and Show insurance. There is a $30 returned check fee for any NSF/ returned check payment(s).