2022 ZEKE Award for Systemic Change
Entries must be documentary.
- Deadline: 21 January 2022
- Entry fee: $25
- Website: https://socialdocumentary.net/cms/2022-zeke-award

Climate change is the greatest existential threat to life as we know it. It is now an undisputed fact among scientists that due to human activity since the dawn of the industrial revolution—and particularly the burning of fossil fuels--the earth’s atmosphere and oceans are warming causing both subtle and cataclysmic climate events. Most visible are the extreme floods, fires, hurricanes, scorching heat, and tornadoes that we are seeing all too frequently and already causing widespread death, migration, and destruction. We are also seeing loss of species, polar ice melt, insect infestations, and other more subtle changes that can lead to long term catastrophic consequences.
Communities around world have been slowly recognizing both the causes and results of climate change and are changing habits and lifestyles to reduce our carbon footprint with the goal of halting the rapid advance of the destructive events caused by a warming planet.
The most visible changes are focused on reducing the combustion of fossil fuels by lowering our dependence on internal combustion engines, decommissioning coal- and gas-fired power plants, increasing use of renewal energy with wind and solar-generated power, and ongoing efforts to make our vehicles, appliances, homes and buildings more efficient. But there are also dozens of other solutions that are equally as important such as changes in our diet to reduce the consumption of beef and other large livestock, use of more locally-grown agricultural products, allowing people to commute less and work at home, encourage use of bicycles as a serious means of transportation, and many other less dramatic but important changes.
Submissions must address these or other solutions that communities across the planet are embracing to lower global warming and prevent climate change from causing cataclysmic destruction of the global human community.
In partnership with the Foundation for Systemic Change, SDN will award two photographers the ZEKE Award for Systemic Change and a $2,500 honoraria to recognize their outstanding work documenting systemic changes leading to sustainable solutions to the climate crisis. First-place winners will also be featured at Photoville, in ZEKE magazine, and in a traveling exhibition.
Other selected work documenting the climate crisis and solutions will be awarded honorable mention and also featured at Photoville, in ZEKE magazine, and in a traveling exhibition.
Submissions can include solutions as varied as reducing the combustion of fossil fuels by lowering our dependence on internal combustion engines, decommissioning coal- and gas-fired power plants, increasing use of renewal energy with wind and solar-generated power, and ongoing efforts to make our vehicles, appliances, homes and buildings more efficient. But there are also dozens of other solutions that are equally as important such as changes in our diet to reduce the consumption of beef and other large livestock, use of more locally-grown agricultural products, allowing people to commute less and work at home, encourage use of bicycles as a serious means of transportation, reduce consumption of consumer packaging, and many other less dramatic but important changes.
Two First-Place Winners will receive the ZEKE Award for Systemic Change
$2,500 cash prize
Exhibited at Photoville 2022, September–December, Brooklyn, NY.
Featured in the Spring 2022 issue of ZEKE magazine.
Part of a traveling exhibition of call for entry winners
Featured on Photoville Zoom panel with other ZEKE Award winners.
Featured in in SDN's email Spotlight sent to SDN's 8,500 members and on SDN's home page, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram feeds
Honorable Mentions
Exhibited at Photoville 2022, September–December Brooklyn, NY.
Featured in the Spring 2022 issue of ZEKE magazine.
Part of a traveling exhibition of call for entry winners
Featured in in SDN's email Spotlight sent to SDN's 8,500 members and on SDN's home page, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram feeds
Note: The exact number of honorable mentions will be determined by the design requirements of ZEKE magazine. Therefore we will not be able announce the honorable mention winners until at least a month after the first-place winners are announced.
The ZEKE Award is open to professional and amateur US and international photographers. SDN current staff, Board members, advisory committee members, volunteers, judges, and their families are not eligible to enter. Previous SDN Call for Entries first-place winners in the past five years are not eligible to enter. There is no restriction for honorable mention winners from prior years.
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
All entrants and winners retain copyright of their work. By submission for jurying, photographers grant SDN a royalty-free license to use their images for the purpose of subsequent display on the SDN site, in SDN & ZEKE promotional materials, and in ZEKE magazine. Entries grant SDN the right to use their name for promotion in any medium including radio, newspapers, publications, television, videotape, and/or distribution over the internet. Samples of the winning work will be released to the press for promotional purposes. Photographers grant use of their images as stated without further contact or compensation from SDN other than the prizes listed above. Photographer’s credit will be provided with all use.