2023 Getxophoto Open Call

Offers the opportunity for photographers to exhibit at Getxophoto Fest


Getxophoto’s Open Call provides an opportunity for visual artists and photographers from all over the world to exhibit their work at the next edition of the Festival, in June 2023. The theme to be addressed in the 17th edition is Pause!

The international jury made up of Elisa Medde (editor-in-chief of Foam Magazine, Amsterdam), Luis Juárez (editor of Revista Balam, Buenos Aires), Jon Uriarte (digital curator of The Photographers' Gallery, London) and María Ptqk (new curator of Getxophoto) will select the projects to be exhibited at the next edition of the Festival.

Let's face it: we can't go on like this. We are living in times of hyper-productivity, when doing nothing is frowned on, and all moments in life –even leisure and rest– must be useful or serve some purpose. We’re always available and connected, and we want to know what’s going on with everything, in real time. Whether on our screens or on the street, constant stimuli demand our attention. Multitasking and speed set the pace, while unread messages and must-watch series pile up on our to-do list. We are prisoners of efficiency, and we want to be on top of everything but we have the feeling of not achieving anything. We don’t rest even when we are resting.

For this reason, the 17th edition of Getxophoto wants to be a place where we can say: enough, stop, PAUSE! A place where we can stop to reflect on this fast-paced world and demand the right to be unproductive. To slow down, to decrease, to say I can't, I don't want to. Because what does it mean to do nothing? What other time do we gain when we're supposedly wasting time? Is inactivity the new luxury? And what role do images play here? Stopping has become an act of rebellion and at Getxophoto 2023 we want to invite you to stop with us and call for that PAUSE! that we need so much by submitting proposals using photography, installation, video, actions, digital art or any other means of visual expression.


The winning artists will benefit from:

-An exhibition at Getxophoto Festival together with renowned contemporary visual artists
-400€ fee as participant of Getxophoto Festival
-Accomodation for 2 nights during the Opening Week plus a travel support (100-150€)
-National and international press exposure
-Inclusion in the Festival’s programme and publication
-The possibility to connect with other professionals during the Opening week



Copyrights & Usage Rights:

-Copyright over each entry remains the property of its respective entrant.

-Entrants must confirm that they are the authors and copyright owners of all images/work submitted and that their work does not infringe the privacy, copyright or any other rights of any person.

-Entrants guarantee that they have the explicit consent of all people who are pictured in their submitted images/work (the legal guardian, in the case of children) to exhibit and publish the images as described in these terms and conditions.

-By participating, the selected entries may be reproduced by Begihandi / Getxophoto in its publications, website, social media and/or any promotional material, being credited and only for promotional use (not for commercial use).

