4383 days of childhood

Why 4383 days of childhood? This is the number of days of childhood


“4383 Days of Childhood” photo contest

Why 4383 days of childhood? This is the number of days that pass until a child becomes 12 years old, and after this it becomes a teenager. Childhood is not only a joyful and careless period. Sometimes there can be doubts and sorrows, anxiety and troubles.

Traditionally, exhibitions will be held in the Belarusian galleries on the basis of the contest result.

1. Contest organizers


Belarusian Children's Fund

2. Dates

The contest runs from 27.11.2017 till 01.05.2018 in two stages.

3. Goals and objectives of the contest are:

To draw attention to the Children's Fund programs; to attract adult's attention to children and their problems through photos; to form an exposition "give the children a holiday!", dedicated to Children's Day at June 1st.

4. Participation in the competition

Original photos taken both by professional photographers and by amateur photographers meeting the requirements of this regulation can participate in the contest. The photograph must depict children, children with parents, children playing, children being sad, happy, frustrated, inspired, etc.

The first stage is run online and photographers can enter the competition from at http://4383-days.com.

5. Restrictions

Prohibited works:

any photos of pornographic nature, photos expressing aggression, promoting extremism, violence, drugs or alcohol.

Photos of this nature might be violating Belarusian laws and if so will be prosecuted.

The author is solely responsible for their published materials and guarantees the rights of third parties. Applicants convicted of plagiarism will be disqualified and not allowed to continue to participate in the competition. If it turns out that the author has no copyright on the image after the results, the results of its participation in the competition will be void.

6. Competition Schedule

The first stage

To participate in the online contest the photographer must register on the site http://4383-days.com/.

As a member you can then upload photos and information to the website (please follow all instructions carefully).

The author has the right to place up to 5 works in each category. A series of works, united by a specific idea may contain more pictures. All photos from the series will take part in the competition individually.

The Competition Supervisor and moderators reserve their right to withdraw works from the contest or to refer them to another category without any further explanation of this decision.

The recommended file size per photo is no more than 300 KB. The photo must be no more than 1000 pixels on the larger side (resolution 72 DPI).

The mandatory requirement for the online contest is the presence of high-resolution files of participating works. Photos that have been selected for exhibition will need at least 30 cm on the smaller side (resolution 300 PDI) for printing.

The curator, moderators or authorized representatives of the organizers select the works (regardless of the number of works from each author) that will participate in the second stage of the contest. They will then send invitations to the authors of selected works to the email address specified at registration. A list of recommended papers will be posted on the contest website no later than April 6th.

The second stage (Hard copy contest)

Photos of at least 30 cm on the smaller side, which the authors were invited to participate on the basis of online competition, are involved in the second stage, if presented from April 1st to May 10th 2015 to the organizing committee. Participation is open to all printed works through an agent called PROPHOTO filed on his site on the Internet and paid for in a certain way. Information regarding this type of submission will be presented separately later.

Photos must not contain any frames, fields and labels on the front side. The author fills in an information sheet along with the work. Any photographer has the right to submit no more than 2 photos regardless of the outcome of the online competition as well. In this case, the author should submit an electronic version in file size not more than 500 kb.

Works received on the second stage of the contest are sent to the members of the jury for anonymous judgment. Jurors will evaluate the works on the following criteria:

general perception, including topic coverage;

artistic level of the work;

novelty and originality of the work;

The ratings of the jury members will be summed up and the results of the jury's decision published on the site.

7. Advertising

The progress of the competition and its results are reported by the media partners and in the leading mass-media of the republic, in television programs, on radio and on the pages of Internet resources. The protocol of the jury's decision is published on the site.

Any of the photos submitted to the contest may be published in the media in order to attract attention to the competition - without payment of royalties.

8. Author's rights

Copyright belongs to the authors.

Submitting photos to the contest means acceptance of the terms and conditions of the contest.

Printed photos provided for exhibition are transferred to the fund of the Belarusian Children's Fund for use in future exhibitions with the strict observance of copyright. Belarusian Children's Fund has the right to use the photos in their non-commercial purposes without prior consent of the authors (in Belarus) and without any fees.

9. Dates of the contest

Internet competition: 27.11.2017 – 12.02.2018.

Printed competition: from 21.02.2018 – 30.03.2018.

The Jury work: 20.04.2018 – 25.04.2018.

10. Nominations

Portrait of a child.

The category is intended for photos displaying children in close-up view demonstrating emotions and disclosing the inner world of a kid.

Kid's world (genre photos).

The category is intended for photos displaying relations between adults and children in various situations, which demonstrate children’s reactions to our attitude towards them, show the world that surrounds the child, cognitive processes, games and studies, joys and sorrows etc.

The organizers reserve the right to approve special nominations from partners and sponsors. The winners of special nominations are determined via printed submissions in two major nominations.

11. The competition jury

The competition jury is formed of independent specialists in the field of photography, representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations and institutions working with children, as well as social and cultural activists working for children in the Republic of Belarus.

12. Contact Information

220029, Belarus, Minsk, Nezavisimosti, 31.

e-mail: 4383-days@carmanphoto.tk

Phones for partners and sponsors: +375 29 192 30 41


Diplomas and presents


Everyone 18+

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

Copyright belongs to the authors.

Submitting photos to the contest means acceptance of the terms and conditions of the contest.

Printed photos provided for exhibition are transferred to the fund of the Belarusian Children's Fund for use in future exhibitions with the strict observance of copyright. Belarusian Children's Fund has the right to use the photos in their non-commercial purposes without prior consent of the authors (in Belarus) and without any fees.

