ACTION:REACTION – a call for photography

"Things have consequences"


We are excited to announce our upcoming photo exhibition with the theme "ACTION:REACTION." We are seeking photographic works that capture the dynamic interplay between action and reaction in our world.

Photographers are invited to submit images that explore the cause-and-effect relationships, the moments of impact, and the chain reactions that shape our lives and environment. Whether it's a split-second reaction to a decisive action or a series of events unfolding over time, we want to see your visual interpretations of this theme.


A cash award of $200 and one copy of the exhibition catalogue will be given to the First Place entry and the photographer will be offered a free gallery in the FEATURED section of the website. This winning entry will also be promoted on social media.

The Second Place entry will be given a cash award of $100 and one copy of the exhibition catalogue and promotion on social media.

The Third Place entry will be given a cash award of $50 and will be promoted on social media.


Open to all photographers over 18.

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

By submitting your work, you agree to grant the gallery non-exclusive rights to display your images for promotional purposes related to the exhibition. All other rights to the images remain with the photographer.

