Allard Prize Photography Competition
Anti-corruption/Human Rights Photography Competition - $1000 CAD prize
- Deadline: 1 May 2016
- Entry fee: Free
- Website:

The Allard Prize enthusiastically invites photographers from around the globe to submit entries for the Allard Prize Photography Competition.
The Competition aims to reflect the themes of courage and leadership in combating corruption, especially through promoting transparency, accountability, and the Rule of Law,
and of human rights and/or anti-corruption in general.
Each winning entry will be awarded CDN $1,000 and will be featured on the Allard Prize website.
Each winning entry will receive:
· CDN $1,000
· Photograph featured on the Allard Prize website for six months
· Inclusion of the photographer's name, and brief description of the photograph, on the website
· Inclusion of the photograph in the website archive as a past winner
Age of majority in your country of residence
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
Photographs that violate or infringe upon another person’s copyright are not eligible.
By entering this Competition, each of the Entrants agrees that if he or she is one of the
winners, he or she shall and does hereby grant to UBC a perpetual, assignable, non-exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free license to use the photograph(s) and other works forming part of his or her Entry on the Allard Prize website and in printed and other
materials relating to the Allard Prize and, in that regard and without limitation, to scan,
copy, modify and create derivative works of such works;