Allegany National Photography Competition and Exhibition 2017

Over $5000 in cash prizes.


The Allegany Arts Council is pleased to announce the call for entries into the Allegany National Photography Competition and Exhibition, to be held at the Saville and Schwab Galleries in downtown Cumberland through the entire month of April 2017.

Any work that contains as it’s primary element a photograph or photographs in any format or medium, but does not fit into either of the other two categories. The photograph(s) can be time-varying or static and may be embedded in an external construct of the artist’s creation. The overall construct and presentation will have equal weighting with the photographic image in judging the merits of the entry. The work must be ready for display; free-standing, placed on a pedestal, or wired for hanging. Works should not weigh more than 30 lbs. or exceed 48 inches in any dimension. No video entries will be accepted. If needed, standard electrical AC power (60Hz, 120V) is available. We strongly urge that if the multi-dimensional nature of your entry is not obvious in a single image that you consider submitting a video showing your entry instead. Videos can provide a juror with a much better sense of a multi-dimensional piece.

You may enter the competition through

This 3rd Annual event will meld the region’s rich concentration of photographic artists with an influx of national photographers in a juried competition for over $5000 in cash prizes.


$1500 for Best of Show

$800 for 1st Place Color

$800 for 1st Place Black & White

$800 for 1st Place Multi-Dimensional

$400 for 2nd Place in each category

$200 for People’s Choice

The judge reserves the right to not present an award in any category if insufficient quantity or quality is in evidence.


Maximum 6 entries per photographer. (No maximum per category.)

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