ArthinkBook Photo Contest

ABook Photo. A new, innovative way for works of art to be displayed.


After successfully launching the version dedicated to artists and illustrators, which saw the participation in our first contest of over 660 artists, now we speak for the first time to photographers, with Arthink Book Photo.
Participation is open to all professionals and non-professionals, regardless of age or geographical origin.
The theme is free. We are looking for communicative and original photos, to create the first collection “A-Book Photo” to be added to that of the illustrators emerged from the previous contest.
he participation includes a registration fee of 10.00 €, which gives the right to a space on the Arthink gallery where the works can immediately be commented, voted and wanted purchased.

- Super prize of € 1,000 to the first qualified.
- The first 30 works will enter the Arthink circuit (exhibitions, catalog, etc.)
- Every week a free AB-Photo.
- Voting of the public online, the first 10 works will enter the Arthink circuit and 1 Arthink-book free to the first 5 qualified.

Except for extensions you can send photos until June 30, 2018.

Info and regulation:


- Prize of 1.000 Euros to the first qualified.
- The first 30 works will enter the Arthink circuit (exhibitions, catalog, etc.)
- Every week a free AB-Photo.
- Voting of the public online, the first 10 works will enter the Arthink circuit and 1 Arthink-book free to the first 5 qualified.


An adult age 18 or over must submit contest entries on behalf of the entrant.

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

The author by accepting the sale of the works, gives the publisher the right to print, promote, distribute and sell, both in Italy and abroad, his work, which will be used by the publisher exclusively for the production of artistic artifacts: “Arthink-book Photo”. The originals remain, in any case, the exclusive property of the Author.
In case of sale, the Author will be entitled to royalties equal to 15% gross of the cover price of the work.


Open Theme