Bayeux Award for War Correspondents 2016
Prize awarded by Nikon – €7000
- Deadline: 6 June 2016
- Entry fee: Free
- Website:

The Bayeux-Calvados award for war correspondents rewards reports about a conflict situation or its impact on civilians, or news stories involving the defence of freedom and democracy. The report must have been made between 1 June 2015 and 31 May 2016. A €7,000 prize is awarded in each category. The categories of media represented are: radio – photography – television (short and long formats) – written press and Web Journalism (new since 2011) .
A €7,000 prize is awarded in each category.
The Bayeux-Calvados award for war correspondents rewards reports about a conflict situation or its impact on civilians, or news stories involving the defence of freedom and democracy.
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
Copyright remains with the photographer.
ARTICLE 9: Rights and obligations of the candidates 9.1 The Candidate, or his beneficiaries in case of the demise of the Candidate, authorise the Organiser to cite their full names free of charge and to publish images and photographs depicting them (notably those mentioned in article 4.1) for information purposes or for advertising or promotion of the BAYEUX-CALVADOS AWARD FOR WAR CORRESPONDENTS, on all types of medium (notably the Internet). The candidates accept to be filmed or photographed and to assign the rights to their images to the Organiser within the framework of the promotion of the Event. 9.2 The Candidate, or his beneficiaries in case of the demise of the Candidate, authorise the Organiser to take advantage of the following rights: -The right of reproduction of the Reports comprises notably the right to reproduce, produce, publish, put into circulation, distribute, sell, hire, loan and record the Reports; -The right of representation and public performance of the Reports comprises notably the right to broadcast, make available and communicate to the public the Reports (with a view to community listening/viewing in public places and/or domestic viewing/listening in private places, in particular by private or public exhibition, projection, broadcasting or transmission, paying or non-paying, by radio, Hertzian wave broadcasting, wave distribution, distribution via cable, satellite, broadband, etc., irrespective of the technique employed: the Internet, free, paying, encrypted, subscription, etc. television, via all transmission and telecommunication networks, by downloading and other IT techniques, etc., by commercialisation (notably by sale or hire) of all media featuring the Reports). -The right of adaptation of the Reports comprises notably the right to digitise the Reports and to retouch them in the sole aim of “making them anonymous” by removing, where need be, any element that would make it possible to identify the journalist or the agency or media company exclusively during the presentation to the jury. The candidates expressly accept this. The Organiser undertakes to take all of the necessary measures to ensure that the quality of the Report remains unaltered, respecting the moral rights of the journalist. These rights are assigned for use by the Organiser, directly or indirectly, both in the public or private, commercial and noncommercial sphere: -of the Reports (originals, duplicates or copies, etc.) -in all colours (images in colour or black and white, etc.); -in all formats (in particular in enlarged or reduced form, etc.); -in all versions of the Reports (in particular the original, dubbed or subtitled version, in all languages, etc.); -by all methods (in particular optical, digital, magnetic, electronic, etc.); -on all media (in particular linear or interactive, including computer, paper, film, video magnetic tape, video cassettes, videodiscs, ICD, VCD, CD-ROM, DVD, etc.); -by all modes of use (in particular cinematographic, audiovisual, televisual, videographic, multimedia, graphic, etc.); -by any means (including by new means o f on-line communication , in particular , minitel, intranet, extranet, Internet, WAP, BROADBAND, paging, on-line service, etc.), -using any systems (in particular Video On Demand, Near Video On Demand, Webcasting, Web TV, Pay Per View, etc.); known or unknown to date. 4 It is understood that the rights of reproduction, representation and adaptation listed above apply to all or part of the Reports (press article, radio, television, photo report or web report), in combination or otherwise with other graphics elements. The present authorisation is given to the Organiser free of charge (in view of the context of the present assignment of rights, the reason therefore is notably the promotion from which the Candidate will benefit through taking part in the Event) on a nonexclusive basis, for the entire world. The intellectual property rights attached to the Reports and to the documents pertaining thereto are granted to the Organiser as of submission of the entry applications and throughout the entire period of legal protection, with respect to both copyright and neighbouring rights, under both French and foreign legislation and current or future international agreements, including any extensions that may be made to this period.