Britpart Land Rover Calendar Competition
Will your Land Rover become a star?...
- Deadline: 14 September 2015
- Entry fee: Free
- Website:

We’d love to see pictures of Land Rovers in locations stretching from rural UK, through to vehicles in a foreign urban environment - use your imagination.
Winning entries will all feature in the new 2016 calendar and each one picked will win a prize.
So get out there with your Land Rover and camera - happy snapping and good luck.
You can send us as many enteries as you would like!
Britpart Photography Competition ‘2016 Calendar’
This is an open photography competition. The selected winning 12 photographs will be used in the 2016 Britpart calendar.
Everyone is welcome to enter the competition whether amateur or professional, except those directly involved in the organisation and judging. You can enter as many photographs as you want.
There will be 12 prizes awarded –
1 x first prize: £250 cash prize, 10 copies of the calendar with the winning image on the front cover and featured inside the calendar and a large Britpart goodie hamper.
11 x second prizes: 5 copies of the calendar and a Britpart goodie hamper.
All entries must be received by Monday 14th September 2015.
Please post to :
Richard Pigg
Marketing Manager
The Grove
Craven Arms
Or e-mail to
All entries are sent at the photographer’s risk. Border Holdings (UK) Ltd t/a Britpart cannot accept liability for any loss or damage to any images entered in the competition. We regret that entries cannot be returned. Participation in the competition constitutes acceptance of all the rules.
You can enter black and white or coloured images. You can enter as many images as you want.
Size & Format
Entries MUST be submitted as a digital image by email or on a CD. If you do not have a digital camera, CD scanned images are acceptable. We cannot accept transparencies or negatives. Images must be saved as JPEGS on the highest setting at a resolution of 4 megapixels or above so they are suitable for enlarging. Due to the nature of the calendar, landscape images are preferred.
Digital manipulation
Digital manipulation may be used to optimise an image by the following: Cropping, adjustment of brightness, contrast, colour balance, sharpening images before printing. Images must not have key elements of the composition removed/added and we will not accept composite images, from more than one original image or images stitched to form a panoramic image.
Identifying your entry
Each entry must have the following information marked in the image filename and on the CD.
1. Your name
2. Title of photo / s
Multiple entries may be submitted on the same CD but for e-mail please send one e-mail per picture.
Notification of winners
The winning entries will be announced on 1st December 2015.
The competition is to be judged by a panel of Britpart employees whose decision is final.
Copyright and Reproduction
All images submitted must be the sole work and copyright of the entrant. Copyright of all images is retained by the entrant, however by entering this competition permission is granted to Border Holdings (UK) Ltd t/a Britpart for a non-exclusive license to reproduce the images (in their original format or to have been digitally manipulated) for uses which may include reproduction on the Britpart website, marketing or promotional materials including displays, leaflets and brochures. Images will always be accredited to the photographer.
Entrants must warrant that the photograph they are submitting is their own work and that they own the copyright for it. If your photograph features any person or people, they should be aware that they are being photographed and permission should be obtained from all involved (or their parent’s/guardian’s permission if under 16) for their photograph to be submitted in the competition. If it is clear that the people are not aware of their picture being taken or are embarrassed in any way by any entry we receive, Border Holdings (UK) Ltd reserves the right to disqualify the entry.
Note – all vehicles registration plates will be blanked out to protect your privacy.
If you have any queries please email or call on 01588 672711.
There will be 12 prizes awarded –
1 x first prize: £250 cash prize, 10 copies of the calendar with the winning image on the front cover and featured inside the calendar and a large Britpart goodie hamper.
11 x second prizes: 5 copies of the calendar and a Britpart goodie hamper.
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
All images submitted must be the sole work and copyright of the entrant. Copyright of all images is retained by the entrant, however by entering this competition permission is granted to Border Holdings (UK) Ltd t/a Britpart for a non-exclusive license to reproduce the images (in their original format or to have been digitally manipulated) for uses which may include reproduction on the Britpart website, marketing or promotional materials including displays, leaflets and brochures. Images will always be accredited to the photographer.
Entrants must warrant that the photograph they are submitting is their own work and that they own the copyright for it. If your photograph features any person or people, they should be aware that they are being photographed and permission should be obtained from all involved (or their parent’s/guardian’s permission if under 16) for their photograph to be submitted in the competition. If it is clear that the people are not aware of their picture being taken or are embarrassed in any way by any entry we receive, Border Holdings (UK) Ltd reserves the right to disqualify the entry.
Note – all vehicles registration plates will be blanked out to protect your privacy.