Camera Clara Photo Prize 2021
The winner will be awarded the sum of 6000 euros.
- Deadline: 12 July 2021
- Entry fee: Free
- Website:

We are delighted to announce the call for candidacies for Camera Clara Award
Created under the auspices of the Foundation Grésigny, the award aims to promote a singular expression favoured by the use of the large format camera, true homage to composition and time.
The jury of the Camera Clara Photo Contest is composed of personalities from the art world, its artistic director and its president.It will meet during the month of September 2021 and will designate the winner and any finalists.Its decision is sovereign and cannot be appealed.
The winner will be awarded the sum of 6000 euros.
Furthermore, an exhibition may be organised with the work of the winner and any finalists. The prizewinner and any finalists must obtain, when appropriate, the authorisation of their gallery or any other representative to exhibit within the gallery hosting the Camera Clara Award show. The terms and conditions of exhibiting will be defined by the venue.The winner accepts to make a donation of one selected photograph to the founder of the Camera Clara Prize.
The Camera Clara Photo Contest awards the work of a living, physical person, citizen of the European Union, who has reached the age of majority with no other age distinction
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
The organiser of the Camera Clara Photo Constest is not permitted to use in any manner, the photographs of candidates who are not finalists.