Camera USA® 2018: National Photography Exhibition and Award
$5,000 National Photography Award
- Deadline: 5 March 2018
- Entry fee: The is a $28 non-refundable entry fee.
- Website:

Now in its 8th year, Camera USA® is a national competition created by the Naples Art Association to inspire and encourage photographers of all skill levels and from all regions of the United States. The program features three professional jurors, one cash prize of $5,000, five $100 honorable mention awards, and culminates with a brick and mortar exhibition held at the Naples Art Association from June 4 through August 3, 2018. The Naples Art Association is located at 585 Park Street in Naples, Florida in the heart of the 5th Avenue South shopping, dining and entertainment district.
A maximum of 80 photographs will be included in the Camera USA® 2018 exhibition. One exhibiting photographer will be nominated for the National Photography Award of $5,000. In order to win the cash prize the nominated photographer must be present during the June 1, 2018 preview reception. Hotel accommodations will be provided in Naples, Florida along with travel reimbursement. A round-trip flight will be provided, if the nominated photographer resides in a State other than Florida. In addition to the $5,000 National Photography Award, there are five honorable mentions of $100 each.
All photographers residing in the United States are invited to submit one photograph taken in the United States after January 1, 2014 for Camera USA® 2018: National Photography Exhibition and Award.
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
All rights to the photographs remain with the photographer.
Images of photographs accepted for the Camera USA® 2018 exhibition may be used to promote the exhibition and future Naples Art Association programs. They may appear on the Naples Art Association's webiste, other websites, on social media and may be reproduced in printed materials including newspapers, magazines and other publications to announce and promote Camera USA® 2018 or other Naples Art Association programs.