Cornish Traditional Cottages’ Photo Competition
Send us your favourite photo of Cornwall for your chance to win £300!
- Deadline: 31 July 2016
- Entry fee: Free
- Website:

As our photo competition is continuing to prove successful, we have decided to launch our 2016 Photo Competition. Send us your favourite photo of Cornwall for your chance to win £300!
-Please keep digital manipulation such as cloning and compositing to a minimum; your photograph should faithfully represent the scene as you saw it. HDR images are unlikely to be accepted
-Only photos deemed suitable for public viewing will be displayed. A shortlist of the best photos uploaded each month will be displayed on our Facebook page
-You can enter a maximum of three images
-Submit your photo via this website. For practical reasons the upload process will not accept images greater than 15MB. Please ensure it is in JPEG format. CTC cannot be held responsible for problems associated with entry submission
-Describe the view and location of the image briefly so we can verify it's eligibility for the Competition
UK residents 10 or over
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
The photographer retains the rights to all of his or her media, and by submitting, grants permission to CTC to display or use submissions in any promotional material free of charge