CQ53 International Call for Entries

You could end up in a New York City gallery

  • Deadline: 27 July 2018
  • Entry fee: Professionals $30 for up to 3 images, $10 for each additional entry or $45 for up to 5 images, $10 each additional entry. Students $15 for up to 3 images, $45 for up to 9 images.
  • Website: http://www.cqjournal.com/callforentries

Enter one of our quarterly shows and you have a chance at being shown in a New York gallery. Quarterly winners are automatically entered in our year-end 100 Best Show. Be one of the 100 Best winners and you'll have something else to brag about: A group show at a New York City gallery. You'll also receive a free catalog of CQ53 if you're a winner. and your work will be on view in our online gallery with complete contact information. It’s simple and affordable to enter. There is no specific theme; all mediums are accepted. Named one of the top 100 art and design publications in the world. CQ accepts professional, amateur and student entries from all parts of the globe.


Winners featured in CQ53 catalog and on our online gallery with full contact information. You'll receive a free copy of the catalog and a certificate of merit. Winners also promoted in social media. Quarterly winners move on to our year-end 100 Best Show, those winners are then exhibited in a New York City gallery.


Open to all photographers at all levels in all countries

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

Copyright remains the property of the photographer at all times but each entrant grants to the Promoter a non-exclusive, sub-licensable perpetual, royalty-free, world-wide license to use, reproduce, publish, distribute and display any Winner or Runner-up as part of this competition in any media now known or hereafter invented.

By submission for jurying, artists whose submissions are chosen for the exhibition grant Creative Quarterly the right to use their images for the purpose of promoting the artist, promoting the magazine’s programs, promoting exhibitions and subsequent display on the magazine’s website of current and past exhibitions. Promotions and images may also be placed on social networks with artist credit.


Open Theme