Docu Magazine Open Call for Documentary Photographers
Best photo prize is 1000€
- Deadline: 28 May 2020
- Entry fee: Free
- Website:

Photo submission guidelines:
- Congratulations for finishing your documentary photography project
- Choose 9 most important images from your project
- Upload the 9 images to Google Drive (If you don’t know how to use Google Drive, google “how to use Google Drive“)
- Image size: Longer side: 4000px. DPI 300: File format: JPG. Color: CMYK
- Write a general introduction to your work, 500-1500 words
- A general introduction? What your project is about, what’s the story, who are the people, why did you shoot this, where are we?
- Save the text file as PDF and upload to Google Drive, same folder where your 9 images are located
- Write a biography text: A) Your Name B) Year when born C) Country and City where you work D) Link to your Instagram E) Email
- Biography example: A) John Smith B) 1987 C) Sydney, Australia D) E)
- Save biography text file as PDF and upload to Google Drive, same folder where your 9 images and the introduction PDF are located
- Take a photo of yourself. It doesn’t have to be LinkedIn kind of formal if you think that’s boring, but don’t be too artistic here
- Photo of yourself, image size: Longer side: 2000px. DPI 300: File format: JPG. File name: Firstname_Lastname.jpg
- Upload the photo of yourself to Google Drive, same folder.
-Best project will be placed on the cover page
-Best photo prize is 1000€
Docu Magazine is looking for Documentary Photography projects world wide.
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
No image will be published without the photographer’s name.
No image will be sold to a third party entity.