#DogBoasting Photo Contest

Proud Pets Wanted


Submit a photo of your dog, boasting, for a chance to win one of three customized Orvis® Pet Beds! Use a sign in the photo stating what your pooch has to boast about. Make sure to use the hashtag #DogBoasting in your description. Then, come back and vote for it every day and be sure to tell your friends to do the same.


Win one of three customized Orvis pet beds (a $250 value!).


you must be a legal resident of the United States and you must be at least 18 years of age. Contestants must own the material submitted, and be able to provide written consent from any person that is featured in the photo.

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

By entering a photo in the contest, you waive all rights you may have with respect to the photo, including all moral rights and rights of personality, publicity or privacy, and you grant to Canine Company the unrestricted, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide license (but not the obligation) to use, reproduce, communicate, modify and display the photo (in whole or in part) for any purpose without any fee or other form of compensation, and without further notification or permission, including without limitation the following purposes:
reproducing, publishing, communicating and displaying some or all of the photo as part of the contest or otherwise; identifying you by name as the owner of the photo; judging the contest; displaying the winning entries in the contest; and for Canine Company advertising purposes, including to advertise the contest, future contests, and Canine Company products and services.

