Energy SELF Portraits 2021
Take a photograph of yourselves
- Deadline: 21 April 2021
- Entry fee: Free
- Website:

Gather your family, your friends, your colleagues, your school-mates as well as the electrical appliances of your everyday life.
Take a photograph of yourselves and your appliances and tell us your story.
Energy SELF Portraits collects photographs and stories related to the theme of ENERGY, the 7th United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG7) to “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy systems for all”, and award prizes to the most beautiful and intriguing ones.
Photography is a means to narrate the challenge of access to sustainable and modern energy seen from the point of view of end consumers. The Energy SELF Portraits strives to investigate and record the infinite contexts and implications connected to the SDG7.
The collection of Energy SELF Portraits will focus on different SDG7 dimensions such as energy access, its costs and options, its quality, its environmental implications as well as how energy efficiency and renewable energy may offer solutions to the SDG7 challenge. The nexus with other SDGs will be given particular evidence in the collection and in the narrative within the Project. The Project offers the opportunity to collect stories where energy access plays a crucial role in a number of SDG challenges, such as poverty and hunger (SDG 1 and 2), health (SDG3), education (SDG4), gender equality (SDG5), access to safe water (SDG6), decent work and productivity (SDG8 and 9), equal opportunities (SDG10), sustainable cities and communities (SDG11), responsible consumption and production (SDG12) and climate change (SDG13).
Energy SELF Portraits put the North and the South of the world together around common challenges assuring affordable energy access while protecting the environment from climate change.
First round of collection and prizes (5 at 100 $) - 21st December 2020
Second round of collections and prizes (5 at 100 $) - 21st February 2021
Third and final round of collections and prizes (5 at 100 $ plus overall winner at 500 $) - 21st April 2021
open to all
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
The author grants WAME a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide licence for the entire duration of the copyrights, related rights and any extensions thereof to use, reproduce, create derivate works, display, print, publish, disseminate, communicate to the public or otherwise make publicly available, in any format, medium and language, whether in print or electronically, the picture and the information associated to it, as submitted to participate to the Energy SELF Portraits photo contest 2020. WAME is permitted to extend the right to its partners and contractors to exercise the rights granted to it by the author.