Estée Lauder Pink Ribbon Photo Award 2020

An event in support of the fight against breast cancer


Stories of families, friendship, love, reflections on the disease, unvarnished portraits, moving visual chronicles, humor… the photographic gesture here represents in and of itself a profound human engagement.
The Estée Lauder Pink Ribbon Photo Award is the bond between one person and another, heart to heart, an indestructible bond of solidarity between models and photographers, carried along by a cause that affects each and everyone of us. Its photographs, its stories, have resulted in several exhibitions, in Paris and in the provinces, during the context of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, dedicated each year, in October, to the struggle against breast cancer and to disseminating information about early breast cancer screening.

2020 Theme: “RESILIENCE”

[Resilience: noun; from the Latin verb resilire (“to rebound’ or “leap back”); the capacity to recover from difficulties; process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress.]

The story behind the 2020 theme

Once again this year, the theme of the photo contest is motivated by the lives of all these wonderful women and men who are facing the disease, but also by the life of the inspiration for this particular photo contest, Mrs. Evelyn H. Lauder.


Each year, 40 photographer finalists are selected by a Jury composed of personalities united by the passion for photography and their commitment to the fight against breast cancer. The recipients of the Jury Prize and the Téva Audience Award of this ninth edition will be announced during an exceptional awards ceremony that will take place during Paris Photo (November 12-15, 2020), a partner of the competition for the fourth consecutive year.


Open to all photographers

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Documentary People