Expressionism (figurative, abstract) in photography
Winner takes a Cash Prize of EUR 500.-
- Deadline: 30 September 2017
- Entry fee: EUR 35.-
- Website:

Expressionism (figurative, abstract) in photography
Collective :
The collective, a non-for-profit association, catches the air of time, encourages open and effective communication and interactions among artists (photographers, painters, performers and videographers) around a thematic that they (re) seize to their image
Professionals and amateurs
Prize :
Public attending the exhibition is kindly requested to vote for an artist. Winner takes a Cash Prize of EUR 500.-
Each participant submits to the following address:
- This signed form, dated
- a series of 5 photographs in digital format (.jpeg)
- a bibliography (mailing address, e-mail, exhibitions, website, training)
- a short text (1000 explanatory signs of the procedure)
Artists determine their work price and receive the entire amount finalizing their sales
The contest is open until September 30th, 2017
Winners are informed by October 31, 2017
Photographs must be sent to the address given to the winners by Sunday, December 14, 2017
The exhibition opens from 01.01.2018 to 31.01.2018:
The collective facilitate the resent of non-sold work to the artists by 02.02.2018
Fees :
Participants pay the fee of EUR 35.- per paypal:
Last name First Name :
Winner takes a Cash Prize of EUR 500.-
Amateur / Professional
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
photographers have the exclusive right to make and sell copies of the photo and to license their usage to other people