F-Stop Magazine – The Landscape 2021

Issue #109 will have the theme ‘Landscape photography’


Issue #109 will have the theme ‘Landscape photography’ The featured artist is chosen from the work that is submitted to the issue. Issue #109 will have an expected publication date of October/November, 2021.


The featured artist is chosen from the work that is submitted to the issue.



Copyrights & Usage Rights:

By submitting photos for publication in F-Stop Magazine you are stipulating to us that you own copyright to these photographs or have permission from the copyright holder to submit these photographs. You are granting F-Stop Magazine a non-exclusive license to use the photograph in its submitted form, subject to re-sizing to fit the magazine format, for publication on the F-Stop website for as long as the website exists. Please note that back issues of F-Stop may remain available in the archive for as long as the website exists. If an image is used as a cover to the magazine you are granting F-Stop Magazine permission to use it for promotion on sites such as facebook.com and to put the f-stop logo on it.

