Family Ties
Families, we want to showcase the many different ways
- Deadline: 28 April 2024
- Entry fee: $35/ 5 images
- Website:

Families, we want to showcase the many different ways that family can be represented. It can be a place you seek comfort in, but for many it could be harmful. We aim to explore the many different photographic representations of what "family" could be.
Color or monochrome, all subjects, digital or antique processes, analog and digital manipulation in all its forms welcome. Photographers of all skill levels and locations are welcome.
Our Juror, Lia Latty is an emerging photographer born in Miami, FL, and now resides in Baltimore, MD. She received her BFA in Photography from the Maryland Institute College of Art. Lia invites participants from marginalized communities to empower themselves in front of the camera through intimate studio sessions. She uses lighting and color theory as the main elements to broaden the representation of Black bodies and Black skin within the media. Through authenticity and personal experiences, she communicates with others in order to share their voices as a collective and initiate dialogue about issues relating to identity and race. Her work has been exhibited in Baltimore, New York, and at MICA. She is a member of Black Women Photographers and an UpNext member of Diversify Photo.
Lia is also the founder of Black Is Magazine. Black Is publishes the stories and the work of Black photographers from around the world, because one experience does not speak for all.
35-40 Selected images will hang in the SE Center’s main gallery space for approximately one month with the opportunity to be invited for a solo show at a later date. In addition, selected images are featured in the SE Center social media accounts (FB, IG, Twitter) and an archived, online slide show. A video walkthrough of each exhibition is also featured and archived. Openings are timed to coincide with Greenville, South Carolina's First Fridays, a celebration of art, food and music.
All ages, all Locations
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
Artist retains all copyrights to their own images. Artists whose work is chosen for exhibition inclusion grant the SE Center for Photography permission to use images for promoting the exhibition, artist, or SE Center and its programs, and current and past exhibitions. Images may be placed on social media for promotion and features.