Female in Focus 2020
An award for women photographers
- Deadline: 10 March 2020
- Entry fee: 25$ 3 Single Images / 45$ One Story
- Website: https://femaleinfocus.com/

Female in Focus is a photography award from 1854 Media. Having launched in 2019, the award aims to highlight and give a platform to the exceptional work of women photographers around the world.
Female in Focus was conceived to address gender inequality in the photography industry. 80% of photography graduates are women — yet women make up only 15% of professional photographers. These women photographers are earning, on average, 40% less than their male counterparts.
Our mission is to open up the photographic landscape to a broad and representative range of talent, empowering woman-identifying and non-binary people the world over to own their own stories.
We know we have to start at home. We’re proud to say that 54% of the photographers we commission through Studio 1854 are women. Gender balance in our awards programme is improving, but not yet equal: currently, 41% of our winners are women. We are determined to see this number rise.
The Female in Focus award is comprised of two categories: the Single Image Category and the Stories Category. 20 winning images from the Single Image Category and two winning bodies of work from the Stories Category will be exhibited in a dedicated group show in a leading gallery based in New York, US between 2020 and 2021.
Have your work in the Female in Focus 2020 exhibition taking place at leading New York gallery. The exhibition will run for a month over 2020/2021 drawing in some of the biggest names in the industry.
Stories Category
-Two winning series will be exhibited as part of the group show
-The two winners from this category will be flown to New York City for the opening of the -exhibition, with return flights and two nights of accommodation included
- Receive international press coverage
- Be featured on BJP-Online
- Have your work judged by industry leaders
Single Image Category
- 20 winning images will be exhibited as part of the group show
- Receive international press coverage
- Be featured on BJP-Online
- Have your work judged by industry leaders
Open to all
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
Each entrant will be deemed to warrant that they own the entire copyright for the work or that they have permission from the licensee and/or copyright owner/s for the uses.
No copyright is transferred to 1854 Media & British Journal of Photography in respect of any works entered or accepted.
1854 Media & British Journal of Photography reserve the right to display, reproduce and publish in any media, any entry, without payment, for the sole purpose of Female in Focus – this year and in future – and its promotion and publicity.
Aerial Abstract Alternative process Architecture Black and White Cityscapes Conceptual Documentary Culture Digital Art Environmental Fashion Fine Art Film Landscape Macro/Micro Multi-categories Nudes Nature Open Theme Self-Portrait Photomanipulation Photojournalism Other People Portrait Urban Street