“gathering” – A Smith Gallery

juried photography exhibition


gath –er - ing : assemblage, crowd, meeting, band, powwow, herd, roundup, reunion, mass, congregation, conference, collection, body, stockpile, clambake, aggregate, swarm, bunch, rally, flock, throng, party……

Photographers of all levels are invited to submit work reflecting the theme "gathering" to A Smith Gallery by November 19, 2015. The entry fee is $30 for the first 5 images and $6 for each additional image. Fifty five to sixty images will be selected for exhibition and shown at the gallery from January 8 to February 14, 2016. A reception will be held on January 30, 2016 from 4 to 7pm. A Blurb full color catalogue of the exhibit with all the accepted entries will be available for purchase. Awards are $325 for Juror’s Award, $250 and an exhibition catalogue for Director’s Award, five Honorable Mentions each receiving an exhibition catalogue and $100 for Visitors’ Choice Award.

Juror for "gathering" will be Jennifer Shaw.


$325 for Juror's Award, $250 and an exhibition catalogue for Director's Award, five Honorable Mentions each receiving an exhbition catalogue, $100 for Visitors' Award.


open to all

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

All photographers retain copyrights to their images.


Fine Art