Griffin Museum 26th Annual Juried Members Exhibition
The Griffin Museum invites member photographers working in all mediums
- Deadline: 3 May 2020
- Entry fee: $30
- Website:

This Call for Entries is open to all active member photographers. Entrants must be members of the Griffin Museum of Photography (with an expiration in April 2020. We do not advocate for members to join the museum just for this juried opportunity only. We always welcome new members as part of our family and offer a broad range of member opportunities. While some opportunities are for long distance members like our on-line classes, we are working on increasing our offerings this year for distance members. There is a membership level for Distance Members for those outside of New England. Just to clarify that New York is not a New England state so people from the state of New York can purchase a distance member membership.
The Griffin Museum invites member photographers working in all mediums, styles and schools of thought to participate. Experimental and mixed techniques are welcome. There is no theme. The juror will choose between 50 – 60 photographs. We ask the juror to TRY not to choose more than one photograph per photographer. The juror will choose the recipients of the monetary awards. We encourage submitting images from a singular, unified body of work for a cohesive selection for the Juried Exhibition. Artwork selected for gallery exhibition will be limited to a FRAMED SIZE of 30×40 inches and under.
JUROR: Alexa Dilworth
JUROR BIO: Alexa Dilworth is publishing director and senior editor at the Center for Documentary Studies (CDS) at Duke University, where she also directs the awards program, which includes the CDS Documentary Essay Prize in Writing and Photography and the Dorothea Lange–Paul Taylor Prize, and the DocX lab. In 1995 she was hired by CDS to work on the editorial staff for DoubleTake magazine. She was also hired as editor of the CDS books program at that time and has coordinated the publishing efforts for every CDS book, including the recent and forthcoming books Road Through Midnight: A Civil Rights Memorial by Jessica Ingram; Where We Find Ourselves: The Photographs of Hugh Mangum, 1897–1922, edited by Margaret Sartor and Alex Harris; Test of Faith: Signs, Serpents, Salvation: Photographs by Lauren Pond; Reality Radio: Telling True Stories in Sound, Second Edition, edited by John Biewen and Alexa Dilworth; and Aunties: The Seven Summers of Alevtina and Ludmila: Photographs by Nadia Sablin. Dilworth has a BA and an MA, both in English, from the University of Florida, and an MFA in creative writing (poetry) from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop at the University of Iowa.
PROGRAMMING: Alongside the juried exhibition, the Griffin Museum will organize a series of professional development workshops presented by a diverse range of thought leaders. These workshops will share instrumental ideas, methods and tools to help build the business and legal foundation of a thriving artistic practice.
AWARDS: $1,500 Arthur Griffin Legacy Award, $1000 Griffin Award, $500 Richards Family Trust Award and $100 Honorable Mentions (10). A total of $4000 in monetary prizes. We will award 4 exhibitions that will take place next June and July 2020. We will award 1 Director’s prize that will result in a catalog and exhibition. We will produce a catalog of the 26th Juried exhibition. We will produce an online exhibition from photographs not chosen by the juror and it will run on Instagram as well. We will award a Member in Focus. We will award one purchase prize.
This Call for Entries is open to all active member photographers. Entrants must be members of the Griffin Museum of Photography (with an expiration in April 2020.
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
All copyright remains with the Artist.