II World Annual Ecological Photo Contest / World EcoPhoto 2019
By the joint efforts for the future of ecology and environment!
- Deadline: 25 August 2019
- Entry fee: Free
- Website: http://worldecophoto.ru

This Salon open to all photographers around the world. It is an International digital Salon that has got FIAP Patronage, Creative Union Photoart (Russia) patronage.
Contest consists of 4 sections:
In each section you can download up to 4 works.
A. Open Color – (digital)
B. Open Monochrome – (digital)
C. Nature – (digital)
D. Pain of Earth planet. Water & Life – color (digital)
No Entry fees
Medals & prizes FIAP: Blue Pin, Gold, Silver and Bronze, HM (in each section),
Medals from FotoArt Union: Gold, Silver, Bronze (in each section),
Special prizes: from Sponsors, Chairman Award -personal exhibition for the participant. Total list can be supplemented.
all photographers around the world
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
The author should be a copyright holder of the submitted material. By virtue of submitting an entry to the II World Annual Ecological Photo Contest/ World Eco Photo, the author permits sponsors to use all or part of the submitted material for any purpose, related to the contest and future exhibitions.
The sponsors of the competition have a right to:
Reproduce the entries in any part of the II World Annual Ecological Photo Contest/ World Eco Photo website (www.worldecophoto.ru) Exhibit winning entries in printed or digital format at the exhibitions of the II World Annual Ecological Photo Contest/ World Eco Photo;
Reproduce winning images in any printed or electronic media in order to inform public about the contest and It’s results;
Reproduce winning images in the photo albums, informative brochures, digital media and other publications related to the contest and exhibitions;
Use winning images for further specialized activities, aimed at the popularization of the contest;
Offer the options for the commercial usage of the images to their authors.
The organization boat of the competition pledge to specify the name of the image maker when reproducing it in any form.
Exhibition copies to be shown at the exhibition and printed at the cost of the sponsors of the II World Annual Ecological Photo Contest/ World Eco Photo salon will remain with sponsors and may be used within the framework of the competition activity.
Submitting the entry, you automatically grant your consent with the contest policy and rules mentioned above.
NB!Works of participants can be used only for non-commercial exhibitions/shows (no more than 3 per year) and for the poster of the competition. Any commercial use only with