International Photo Contest “Agriculture and water”
Solidary photography
- Deadline: 18 October 2015
- Entry fee: €12 per participant for up to four (4) by the author
- Website:

Organiza: helpPHOTOhelp … Fotografía solidaria
Patrocina: Comunidad de Regantes de la Huerta y Partidas de Villena (Alicante) Spain
Colaboramos con: Pozos sin Fronteras (en Burkina Faso)
“Agriculture and Water”
(Also see the General Terms of Use)
Amateur and professional photographers from around the world and who are over the age of +18 may take part.
From the presentation and launch of the competition in helpPHOTOhelp until Sunday the 18th of October 2015 at 23.59 Hours CET (UTC/GMT+2).
“Agriculture and Water”
The organisation’s aim is to encourage competitors to seek new techniques and trends that reveal the photographer’s artistic nature.
Entries will be judged for creativity and the link between water and agriculture (particularly market gardening) and water and life.
Compressed digital files (JPEG - JPG format) either monochrome or in colour. The file size must not exceed 5,000 píxels (50 cm) along the photo’s longest side. Panoramic formats will be accepted providing they meet these size criteria, with a resolution of 254 ppp. The recommended file colour space is RGB 1998.
It is composed by recognized three photographers that very prompt we will present, accompanied of: D. Francisco Ruiz Torró, President of the C. Regantes de la Huerta y Partidas de Villena D. Julio Murcia Jara, Secretary of the C. Regantes de la Huerta y Partidas de Villena.
Each author can submit up to four (4) photos that have not received prizes or distinctions at any previous event or competition.
To opt for the Special Prize for best photograph taken in the Huerta y Partidas de Villena setting (Alicante), the works must clearly show where they were taken, with the perimeter marked in red on the aerial photo attached (download image).
The files will be identified with n º ID of entry that you will receive in your mail with the confirmation of your inscription followed by the number of order of your files (ej.: n º ID-1, n º ID-2, n º ID-3 and n º ID-4). In the supposition that this work or works compete for the Special Prize, after n º of order he writes Villena (ej.: n º ID-1 Villena, n º ID-2 Villena...)
€12 per participant for up to four (4) by the author.
1st Prize.... 1.000€
2nd Prize.... 400€
3rd Prize.... 300€
4th Prize.... 200€
5th Prize.... 100€
The Special Prize is for the best photo in the Huerta y Partidas de Villena setting (Alicante)…… €500
Each author may only submit works for one prize. The jury will always award the prize of greatest value.
Up to 30 prize-winning and selected works will be exhibited in a photographic exhibition to mark the one hundredth anniversary of the foundation of the Regantes de la Huerta y Partidas de Villena [The Villena Irrigation Farmers Association] (Alicante).
Each of the works will be reproduced in 40x50 cm size. For this purpose, authors seeking to win a prize are required to submit their works in 254 ppp resolution.
Up to 100 prize-winning and selected works will be featurethis in a digital catalogue in which pictures will be classified by title and author. All participants will receive a copy of the catalogue, which will also be made public on our web site, on collaborating sites, and in various social networks.
1st Prize.... 1.000€
2nd Prize.... 400€
3rd Prize.... 300€
4th Prize.... 200€
5th Prize.... 100€
The Special Prize is for the best photo in the Huerta y Partidas de Villena setting (Alicante)…… €500
Amateur and professional photographers from around the world and who are over the age of +18 may take part.
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
The photos submitted by competition entrants must belong to the individuals concerned. Each entrant must enjoy copyright, moral rights, commercial rights and third-party image rights (as the case may be) over said photos.
Likewise, no photo shall contain material that infringes rights to privacy, contains advertising, infringe the intellectual property rights and other legal rights of other authors.
The participant shall hold helpPHOTOhelp harmless in relation to any claim by third parties for infraction of the author’s rights, or infringement of use and property rights, whatever the nature or origin of such claims may be.
Photographs fostering intolerance, racism or hatred of any group or individual shall not be accepted. The same applies to photos that discriminate against others on the basis of race, gender, religion, nationality, sexual preference, age, physical or mental handicap.
Prize-winning and selected participants authorise helpPHOTOhelp to grant a world-wide, royalty-free, irrevocable, non-exclusive license in perpetuity. Note that this only applies to prize-winning and selected authors during the two (2) years following the award/choice). Said license shall permit use of the photos as promotional material in any kind of electronic or digital system — whether existing or yet to be invented — or other physical medium, mobile telephone, Internet, social networks, newsletters and press notes, calendars, magazines, posters, catalogues, books, marketing or campaigns bearing on photography and/or applications promoted by helpPHOTOhelp, providing the author is given credit for the work.
helpPHOTOhelp reserves the non-exclusive right to dispose of the sole copy of prize-winning works submitted for any of the competitions organised by helpPHOTOhelp or third-parties and published on this web site.
helpPHOTOhelp fully recognises the authors' rights over the works submitted and solely reserves the non-exclusive rights set out in the competition rules. helpPHOTOhelp undertakes to always publish the author’s name and (where applicable) the title of the work.
helpPHOTOhelp also undertakes not to make any use of works that are not selected or do not receive prizes, save for their anonymous publication during the period spanning call for entries, submissions, jury decisions, and (where applicable) announcement of selected and winning works. Once 30 days have elapsed following this period, helpPHOTOhelp will destroy the files containing the aforesaid works.