KingBirder 2020 Everybody Duck Photo Contest

$3,000 – 1st place


You’re passionate about birding, right? You’re also passionate about taking pictures of the birds in your sight, right? Why not share your pictures with the world and also take a shot at winning some serious cash prizes?

KingBirder is the first online contest to combine the skills of birding with photography skills. Use your birding capabilities to find the right bird that fits the contest theme and date parameters. Once you’ve found your target, photography skills will determine if you’re a winner!

Entries will be judged based upon the following: artistic merit, composition, technical merit, originality, adherence to the theme, natural environment, and overall impression. KB will announce and notify the winners within 30 days of the closing date for each contest.

KingBirder’s inaugural contest theme, is centered around waterfowl. Qualified submissions must show images of ducks, geese, or swans.

Now go out and find some great waterfowl!


$3,000 – 1st place
$2,000 – 2nd place
$1,500 – 3rd place
$1,000 – 4th place
$500 – 5th place


KB photo contests are open to all international professional and amateur photographers who have reached the age of 18 at the time of entry.

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

Photos that violate or infringe upon another person’s rights, including but not limited to copyright, are not eligible.


Nature Wildlife