Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts – Young Portfolio Acquisitions 2024

Selected works will be purchased by the Museum at minimum JPY30,000


Young Portfolio is a program organized by the Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts (K*MoPA) to support young photographers from around the world by exhibiting and acquiring their works for the museum’s collection.
Anybody under the age of 35 is welcome to submit their works. We are looking for works by devoted photographers who are passionate about their creative efforts.
It is not a contest in which people are only eligible to win a prize once. Multiple submissions may be made up until the age of 35. We hope that by selecting works by the same young artist on a regular basis, we will help build their confidence.
Young Portfolio is unique in that it invites the wider world to recognize the true value of these young artists’ abilities while simultaneously preserving their work for posterity.
Previously published works may be submitted and any number of works, up to 30 prints, are admissible.
Primary Selection: Data Entry accepted during January 10 – February 20, 2024
Announcement of Primary Selection Results: Mid-March, 2024
Secondary Selection: Print Entry deadline May 15, 2024
Announcement of Results: July – August, 2024
Selected works will be purchased by the Museum at minimum JPY30,000 per print (depending on size or print medium) per work. In the case of multi-image works, the selection committee will choose some of the images to purchase. Photographers (copyright holders) whose work is selected for acquisition will be requested to sign the purchase agreement prescribed by the Museum.
Selected works will be shown at the exhibition titled "Young Portfolio Acquisitions 2024". The exhibition is scheduled to open in October, 2024. exhibited at the Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts.
Shortlist: The artists chosen from the data entry will be receive their image feature on the Museum website.
2024 Selection Panel Members: Michiko KON, Leslie KEE, Toshiya MOMOSE, Masato SETO (Deputy Director of the Museum) , Eikoh Hosoe (Director of the Museum, Special Committee Member)


Selected works will be purchased by the Museum at minimum JPY30,000 per print (depending on size or print medium) per work. In the case of multi-image works, the selection committee will choose some of the images to purchase. Photographers (copyright holders) whose work is selected for acquisition will be requested to sign the purchase agreement prescribed by the Museum.
Selected works will be shown at the exhibition titled "Young Portfolio Acquisitions 2024". The exhibition is scheduled to open in October, 2024. exhibited at the Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts.


Applicants must have been born after January 1, 1989.

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

Copyrights & Usage Rights belong to the artist.


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