Lenswork: Seeing in SIXES 2017
Book publication
- Deadline: 15 June 2017
- Entry fee: Free
- Website: http://www.lenswork.com/sixes/index.html
Last year’s Seeing in SIXES was such a success, we’re publishing another book in 2017! This book will feature the work of our readers — like you! perhaps you! — printed with the quality you’ve come to expect from us. This promises to be an important and substantial survey of the LensWork community: subscribers as well as non-subscribers.
Since the beginning of photography, the multiple-image project has been a part of our medium. Most famously, the “photo-essay” was a staple of such publications as the long-defunct Life and Look magazines. Of course, here at LensWork, we have a 23-year history of publishing multiple-image projects. We studiously avoid the more common photographic phenomenon we refer to as “greatest hits” photography.
2017 book publishing project that will give life to small projects of six images, selected from entries, funded by entry fees, printed with the museum-book quality you’ve come to expect from LensWork Publishing, including both black-and-white and color work.
First, everyone who enters will receive a copy of the finished book later this year — in September 2017. (One copy per entrant.)
Projects must be 6 images exactly (an arbitrary, but inflexible number that places on these projects a haiku-like structure).
Each project will be presented in a 6-page spread in the finished book
A project title is recommended
Other optional components are at the photographer’s discretion — subtitle, a sentence or paragraph of introductory text, image titles or captions, poem, etc.
Each project will include contact information for the photographer (e.g., email, website, Facebook)
Open to All
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
Unlike many other juried publications, you retain all copyrights to your images and written materials. LensWork is granted one-time only publication rights only.