Our juror for Light is Douglas Beasley
- Deadline: 30 April 2023
- Entry fee: $35/ 5 images
- Website:

It’s all about the light! Light and shadow have been the foundation of photography since the beginning. While illumination is important, darkness is an equally compelling component and, together, the elements of a successful photograph. Show us your best light!
Our juror for Light is Douglas Beasley. Douglas Beasley’s personal vision explores the spiritual and emotional aspects of people and place and is concerned with how the sacred is recognized and expressed in everyday life.
Doug has recently become the owner and publisher of Shots Magazine, a quarterly independent journal of fine-art photography, now in it’s 32nd year of publication. Shots has long been his favorite photo magazine!
35-40 Selected images will hang in the SE Center’s main gallery space for approximately one month with the opportunity to be invited for a solo show at a later date. In addition, selected images are featured in the SE Center social media accounts (FB, IG, Twitter) and an archived, online slide show. A video walkthrough of each exhibition is also featured and archived.
All ages, All locations
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
Artist retains all copyrights to their own images. Artists whose work is chosen for exhibition inclusion grant the SE Center for Photography permission to use images for promoting the exhibition, artist, or SE Center and its programs, and current and past exhibitions. Images may be placed on social media for promotion and features.