Locks In The Wild Photo Contest
Open to residents of US.
- Deadline: 31 August 2015
- Entry fee: Free
- Website: http://woobox.com/g8yzui

Masterlocks.com is having a #LocksInTheWild Photo Contest! Submit your best photo of a lock in use to facebook.com/TheLockPeople. Or submit a photo via Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #LocksInTheWild. There are 3 different top categories, Bike Locks, Travel/Vacation Locks, and Home Security. If your wild lock does not fit any of those categories you can submit your photo as a General Padlock.
Each week we will give out a 1500id Speed Dial™ to a random Facebook Fan
Each week the best submission of that week will win a $15 Amazon Gift Card
There are 3 Prize Packages for the photos with the most votes in our top 3 categories
As a Grand Prize an Amazon $100 Gift Card will go to the photo with the overall most votes
Open to residents of US.
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