Lucas Dolega Award 2022
The winner will receive 10.000 €, an exhibition in Paris
- Deadline: 15 December 2021
- Entry fee: Free
- Website:

This is a special year for us, as we are celebrating the 11th anniversary of the Lucas Dolega Award. We hope that we will receive at least as many reports as the past years!
This year again, we will be able to receive reports only by internet.
The Lucas Dolega Award is open to all freelance professional photographers, without age or country restrictions. The participation is free.
The Lucas Dolega Award will reward a photographer with a endowment by La Société des Auteurs des arts visuels et de l’Image Fixe – Saif of 10.000 Euros, an exhibition in Paris, and a publication in the Reporters without borders album.
The award ceremony will take place at the Mairie de Paris, in the spring 2022, depending on the sanitary conditions.
The competition is open exclusively to professional freelance photographers of all nationalities, without age restrictions. The term freelance is defined as a non-staff photographer, i.e. a photographer who does not work full time and exclusively for a press organization.
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
The Participant guarantees the Organizer the exclusive and unfettered rights granted to it and
shall hold the Organizer harmless against any claim brought against it as a result of the use of any
rights attached to a reportage and related documents.