MIA Fair 2021 Milan Art

International art fair dedicated to photography


MIA Fair - the international art fair dedicated to photography in Italy announces the opening calls to the second edition of the Award New-Post Photography.

The award is open to all artists with no theme, age or nationality restrictions and offers the opportunity for the winners to display their works at no charge on the exhibition dedicated to the “New-Post Photography” Award to be presented during the 10th edition of MIA Fair to be held in Milano from from 24th March to 28th March 2021 at SUPERSTUDIO MAXI, in via Moncucco 35, Milano*.

The “New-Post Photography” Award has the purpose to promote the languages of a new form of photography which is capable of exploring the contemporary world in an innovative way. After the period of experimentation and reflection on the language of photography that marked the Sixties-Seventies-Eighties (MIA Fair 2021 will focus on Italian artists of that period), there are new questions emerging.
- How is photography changing in a world which is increasingly overcrowded with images?
- How does photography interact with the social media dynamic universe and with other art languages?
- There are new emerging trends that aims at increasingly articulated in-depth analysis: either they privilege the use of new technologies in experimental ways or they try to reread and re-actualize their past and their memory by investigating their own history. And also, does this “new-post photography” propose works based on built and staged sets or on researches derived from a direct comparison with a world in continuous evolution?
- A world marked by climate change, migration, war and social inequality, but also by a pandemic (like the Covid-19 pandemic) that we have seen with our own eyes and that has hit us very hard, determining new ways of feeling ourselves, of entering in contact with other people and of perceiving and exploring the spaces and the places where we live.
How can photography deal with these issues by going beyond a superficial and purely illustrative logic to show hidden realities?
- How can it open new questions or bring into play a visual language that can evoke a deeper meaning?

The aim of the Award is to make the “New-Post Photography” exhibition a significant “showcase” capable of recording and highlighting the changes taking place in the world of contemporary photography. This Award aims to become a platform that will give the winning artists visibility through an important exhibition event and also through other occasions listed in the Awards.

The final Award Jury will be composed of:
- Gigliola Foschi (curator, professor and member of the MIA Fair Scientific Committee),
- Gabi Scardi (international contemporary art critic and curator, artistic director of the Nctm e l’arte project),
- Paolo Agliardi (architect, collector and founder of the CAP contemporary art projects),
- Carlo Sala (curator, professor, artistic director of the Festival Photo Open Up and member of the curatorial committee of the Fondazione Francesco Fabbri Onlus),
- Giorgio Zanchetti (art historian, professor, curator and member of the MUFOCO Board of Directors)
- Claudio Composti (curator and artistic director of the mc2 gallery).

We look forward to receiving your application !


- The opportunity for the winners to display their works at no charge on the exhibition dedicated to the “New-Post Photography” Award to be presented during the 10th edition of MIA Fair to be held in Milano from from 24th March to 28th March 2021 at SUPERSTUDIO MAXI, in via Moncucco 35, Milano*.

- Publication of Portfolio: Represented by the publication of a portfolio in the magazine “Gente di Fotografia” which will be published in conjunction with the tenth MIA Fair edition.

- Gallery Exhibition mc2 gallery: one participating artist of the final exhibition of the “New-Post Photography” award will be selected by Vincenzo Maccarone and Claudio Composti (the directors of the mc2 gallery, based in Milan and Luštica Bay in Montenegro). The artist will then have the possibility to exhibit his work in a fair organised by them by 2022.


The award is open to all artists with no theme, age or nationality restrictions

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

By submitting the Registration Form, the Artist:
- specifically authorises the MIA Fair Organizer and the Partners of MIA Fair to treat his/her data in accordance with EU Rule 2016/679 (GDPR);
- declares and guarantees to be the sole author of the presented Artworks, to be the sole holder of related rights, to have full and exclusive availability of the Artwork and connected rights, including the rights for economic exploitation and any transferred rights in accordance to the Regulations. It is also guaranteed that the MIA Fair Organizer can rightfully exercise the granted rights, and that no act has been done in order to restrict such disposal and that such rights are therefore free from constraints of any kind;
- declares and guarantees that the participating Artwork is original and does not violate any property rights, nor rights of any third party. The Artist ensures to indemnify the MIA Fair Organizer and the Partners of MIA Fair and hold them harmless from any claim from a third party and/or any damage related or connected to the presented Artwork and its reproduction and publication. The MIA Fair Organizer and the Partners of MIA Fair are therefore exempted from any responsibility for any
disputes about the originality and authorship of the presented Artwork;
- authorizes the Organizer and the Partners of MIA Fair to display, publish and reproduce the presented Artwork, with related credits, and/or Registration’s documentation, in whole or partially, directly or through a third party, by any means of communication, on the MIA Fair website (www.miafair.it), on the social media networks pages managed by and/or linked to the MIA Fair Organizer and the other Partners.
- declares to be fully responsible for the content of visual and textual material transmitted;
- declares to be aware that the presentation of incomplete documentation or Registration documentation not compliant with the Regulations constitutes grounds for exclusion from the Award;
- authorizes the MIA Fair Organizer to retain the Registration documentation, acknowledging it will not be returned;
- declares to be aware that the presented Artwork can be excluded from the Award contest if it were to be found out that the Artwork is in whole or in part copied or realised in violation of rights of
- fully accepts the content of the Award Regulations and is fully aware that sending the Registration documentation will imply the acceptance of all the Regulation clauses


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