Njord Sustainable Food Photography Competition 2016
Food photography with sustainability and ecology as the overall theme.
- Deadline: 31 May 2016
- Entry fee: 5 professional uploads €50,- extra upload 1 picture €10,-. 5 amateur/enthusiast uploads €35. Extra upload 1 picture €5,-
- Website: http://njord.world/

International visual competition – Professional food photography with sustainability and ecology as the overall theme. The winners of competition will receive great prizes and international awareness.
There are even an amateur/enthusiast category -which means: The contest are for everybody.
The Award announcement.
Will take place at “folkemødet 2016” in Denmark. Its a political festival with 80.000 participants from all over the world. And be broadcasted live.
The travelling exhibition with the winning pictures, will also start here. It will visit great cities throughout the year, in public spaces – Bornholm folkemøde 2016 at the democracy scene, Copenhagen food, Århus food festival, and Salone del gusto slow food festival in Torino, Italy
All category winners will receive:
Phase One – Capture One software
Njord – Travelling exhibition top 3 pictures
Njord – Magazine feature top 5 pictures
The overall winner will furthermore receive:
Agency Access – tab into the mail campaign database 1 year
Wetransfer – Get your picture as background 1 month
Destination Bornholm – Photosafari, tickets, hotel and 2 days with LocationBornholm.com
The amateur/enthusiast category price are:
Cashprize – 500 Euro
Njord – Travelling exhibition top 3 pictures
Njord – Magazine feature top 5 pictures
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
The photographer have the rights of their own photos. But participating in the competition they hereby allow the use of their photos for promotion of the competition, in the online magazine and for the public exhibition at no cost.
Of course no photo will be shown without photographer credit.
Njord Sustainable Food Photography Competition will use some pictures for promotion of the competition, in the online magazine and for the public exhibition.
For other use the photographer will be contacted and asked for permission.