Noto Fior di Foto photo contest
- Deadline: 30 April 2018
- Entry fee: Free
- Website:

Cultural associations “PhosGraphè” and “MagneticFilm” are announcing the 2nd PHOTO CONTEST with the title “Noto fior di foto” as an initiative to promote and raise awareness of socio-cultural education.
In particular, the competition is aimed at collecting photographic material that will be exhibited during the festival of INFIORATA taking place in the city of NOTO, with the purpose of promoting culture through photographic art.
The competition is free of charge and open to all amateur and professional photographers, without age or nationality limits. A jury of experts will examine and select the best photos and appoint the winners. In particular, for each category the first three ranked will be rewarded (1 winner and 2 special mentions).
The competition is free of charge and open to all amateur and professional photographers, without age or nationality limits. A jury of experts will examine and select the best photos and appoint the winners. In particular, for each category the first three ranked will be rewarded (1 winner and 2 special mentions).
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
Each participant is responsible for the material he has submitted to the competition. Therefore, it undertakes to exclude any liability of the organizers of the above mentioned in relation to third parties, particularly with respect to any subjects depicted in the photographs.
The competitor must inform any interested parties (persons portrayed) in the cases and in the manner provided for by the Legislative Decree. June 30,2003 n. 196, as well as obtain consent to their dissemination. In no case may the images sent must contain data that can be classified as sensitive.
Each participant also declares that they are the sole author of the images sent and that they are original, unpublished and not in the process of being published, that they do not infringe the rights of third parties and that if they portray subjects for whom consent or authorization is required, they have obtained it.
The organizers also reserve the right to exclude from the competition and not publish any photos that do not conform in the form and subject to the provisions of this notice or the rules.
Partecipant gives “Noto Fior di Foto” the rights to publish their submitted images for the only scope of promoting and showcasing the contest itself.
All rights and copyrights on the sumitted material remain propriety of the respective authors.