Open Call Festival InCadaqués

This year InCadaqués launches an Open Call


This year InCadaqués launches an Open Call that invites photographers from around the world to submit photographic projects that will be exhibited during the next edition of the International Photo Festival InCadaqués 2018. 15 projects will be selected and exhibited at the Sala de l'Amistat during the Festival.

The jury, composed of experts in the field will select the most interesting projects that will become part of the official circuit of exhibitions.

How to participate :

1/ Prepare a selection of 10 to 15 photos (max 10MB per photo) that represent your project

2/ Complete the application form below.

3/ Comptete registration fee of 20€

4/ Send a folder nominated in the following way name.surname_nameoftheproject with :
- selection of 10 to 15 photos
- application form
- receipt of registration fee

5/ Send the folder by to before 1st June 2018.

The winner of the contest will exhibit his series of 10 to 15 photos during the festival.
Expenses of the exhibition (prints included), accommodation for the opening week end and transportation from Barcelona or Paris will be supported by the festival.

The other 14 selected projects will exhibit a selection of 3 photos during the festival.
Expenses of the exhibition (prints included) will be supported by the festival.
The exhibition space will also be dedicated to the presentation by the winners of their portfolios.

Winners will be notified by 15th of June 2018. All exhibited prints will be on sale during the Festival at a price previously established with the team.



The winner of the contest will exhibit his series of 10 to 15 photos during the festival.
Expenses of the exhibition (prints included), accommodation for the opening week end and transportation from Barcelona or Paris will be supported by the festival.

The other 14 selected projects will exhibit a selection of 3 photos during the festival.
Expenses of the exhibition (prints included) will be supported by the festival.
The exhibition space will also be dedicated to the presentation by the winners of their portfolios.

Winners will be notified by 15th of June 2018. All exhibited prints will be on sale during the Festival at a price previously established with the team.


No restrictions

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

All rights remain the property of the photographer.


Open Theme