Other Spaces – take part in the next PEP group exhibition in Berlin
Take part in the next PEP group exhibition in Berlin!
- Deadline: 5 January 2024
- Entry fee: 5 to 15€
- Website: http://www.pep.photography/calls

We are currently accepting submissions for our upcoming exhibition in Berlin! The selected artists will take part in the next PEP group show at B-Part Exhibition in May / June 2024.
How does a space influence our attitude and perception, and how does it participate in the plurality of our identity? For this upcoming exhibition, we invite artists to explore the concept of "Other Spaces" that exist around us. Near the streets and landscapes that we know and see every day, there also exist “heterotopias” that societies and cultures tend to produce, such as cinemas, museums, libraries, clubs, train stations, prisons, schools or offices - a plurality of parallel realities, each modulating our behaviour in written and unwritten ways.
By delving into those different microcosms, the exhibition intends to explore the characteristics that belong to a specific space, through which we will investigate the contrast between what is familiar and what is the other, what is real and unreal.
Exhibition opportunity, publication in the exhibition catalog + online exposure
The competition is open to any photographer, 18 years of age or older, from any country.
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
All images and texts provided by artists and presented on PEP's website and social media channels are protected by copyright and remain property of their author. By entering this competition, you allow PEP to use your artwork (images and related text) in its online communication and printed material. PEP has the right to use the submitted artworks on its website and on any other form of communication (including social media, magazines, platforms for art opportunities and events...) to promote the photographers' works and PEP's past, current and future exhibitions and open calls. The artists' names will always be mentioned next to their respective images.