Photography contest “Tchaikovsky walks around the globe”

Contest dedicated to the 180-th anniversary of P.I.Tchaikovsky


“Our love for Tchaikovsky, for his beautiful music is being passed from century to century, from generation to generation, and this means its immortality,” D. Shostakovich wrote.

The name of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky stands out among the composers whose music is most often heard all over the world. He created a musical language that was associated with everyday life of his time. His music is clear and understandable, it moves people’s hearts, stirs their souls, disturbs feelings and thoughts. It has gained worldwide recognition.

Within the celebration of the great Russian composer’s 180-th anniversary of his birth, we invite you to take part in the international photography contest aimed at expressing people’s interest to the composer’s personality and his artistic heritage.

We invite you to become a member!
Take photos of the objects historically connected with P.I. Tchaikovsky or related to the composer’s work and heritage: streets, theaters, educational or musical institutions, posters, leaflets, banners for the concerts, etc.

Post the completed works to one of the groups with the hash-tag #Tchaikovskywalksaroundtheglobe and the hash-tag of the settlement where the photo was taken.


The winners are awarded Diplomas of participation, commemorative gifts, certificates and souvenirs.


Everyone, regardless of gender, age and social status can become a contestant. Entries are welcome from all countries.

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

By publishing their works contestants confirm that the photo (s) are their intellectual property and do not infringe copyrights of third parties.
Photos submitted for the Contest may be disqualified from participation in the following cases:
- Photos do not correspond to the theme of the Contest; contain an erotic component, contain elements of violence, racial or religious intolerance;
- Low artistic or technical quality of photos.
In order to obtain necessary shots, contestants should not take any actions that will do harm to themselves, nature, cultural and architectural monuments.
By sending a photo, contestants express their consent to browsing and/or using (public display of) the pictures during the period of preparing for the Contest and convey to the organizers the right to use the photos in the media, social networks and the Internet in perpetuity with the obligatory indication of the author’s name.


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