PIXUP Holiday Photo Challenge

share holiday photos to win total 400 USD cash awards!


The theme of this photo challenge is “Holidays”.
Because Christmas and New Year holidays are just around the corner!
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and wonderful 2020!!
Share your lovely holiday themed photos on Free Market
with the challenge tag PIXUPCHALLENGE_HOLIDAY

We will be choosing three winners for this challenge.
TOP 1 (1 person) will be receiving $200 USD and
TOP 2 ( 2 persons) will be receiving $100 USD each.

The winners will be announced on Demcember 31 (Tuesday) on this page.
And we will also mail the winners separately for the cash awards.

Photography becomes more fun, PIXUP


3 winners will get :
TOP 1 $200 USD (1 person)
TOP 2 $100 USD each (2 persons)

※ The cash award will be given out through Paypal.
※ We will be reaching out to winners through email.
※ All winners get challenge badge which will be displayed on profile page



Copyrights & Usage Rights:

Copyright of all entries and winners’ photos stay with the contributors.
Photos shared on Free Market can be downloaded free by all members of PIXUP under the PIXUP license.
Contributors who shared works on Free Market will receive 50% of monthly advertising revenue as ‘Grant’.

